
Engagement Campaign Discussion Formats

AH Adam Hardy Public Seen by 14

We will be running different format discussions - some people will give us only 15mins, other longer - 30mins, 60mins.

We should plan on setting up meetings with about 15 or 20 groups.

Here's our vision document:


We should try some of the resources on Locality:


Engagement questions Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12SLOuuwKa8eL1TgUDfmFPooiupiToNULlIqI177Axmc/edit?usp=sharing


Elizabeth Lowe Sat 10 Jul 2021 3:27PM

I attach some initial engagement questions.  The Locality guidance was particularly helpful as was the steer on this at the engagement meeting on 30th June.  I've set out the background details that I needed to get started on this. The questions themselves are on page 2. More work is needed to agree a consistent description of the Finsbury Park area.  More specific questions will be needed at a later date.


Adam Hardy Wed 30 Jun 2021 6:56PM

From the vision document:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Finsbury Park and Stroud Green Neighbourhood Forum. We’re preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the area.

Finsbury Park and Stroud Green is where three Boroughs – Islington, Hackney and Haringey meet, and as a result it’s often overlooked.

A Neighbourhood Plan will generate a shared vision for the future development and regeneration of the area, particularly the area around the station and the surrounding streets. It will identify land and buildings for development, protect other areas from development, and set standards of design for new development. It will also generate ideas that local residents want to see funded in the area.

We are preparing the plan over the next 18 months and it will be voted upon by all residents of the area. As a starting point, we want to meet with different people across our area to understand what they think about our area.

I want to meet/talk/attend your next meeting ….