Mon 19 Aug 2019 3:45PM

A way to test the waters to see if we CAN grow!

K Keegan Public Seen by 85

Burns throughout Europe have been selling out! There is such a huge demand from the ever-growing community for more access to burns (more burns, more tickets, more ways to get involved). We can't cater for it all but at the nest community meeting, the feeling is that we want to grow which would help with this.

One of the biggest issues for Nest to grow is the increase in compliance costs, to do that membership numbers would need to jump to at least 800 (500 tickets sold for this year).

One way we could get a meaningful gauge on if we could actually reach those numbers for next Nest with enough time to actually do something about it well would be to take deposits early and go from there. I am only thinking 10 pounds or something similar, nothing that will break the bank but will get an actual commitment from people!

We could do this by giving people a months notice and if it's possible, voting on when the sale would start.

I think it would also be nice to allow camps to before this date put applications for how many people they want for their camp and possibly an option for a portion of directed sale tickets and I think this is really important! Camps bring a huge amount to a burn and sometimes they really struggle to get the people needed to a burn!

There are many other things to deal with if the decision is to grow, but I figure this would give us some kind of useful information into how feasible it would be.

I would love your feedback and ideas.

I'm also happy working on making this happen!


Poll Created Mon 19 Aug 2019 3:48PM

Do we want to grow? Closed Wed 28 Aug 2019 3:01PM


Results Option % of points Voters
I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can 46.2% 6 E MC TA J VB PT
I want Nest to grow, but not next year 38.5% 5 NS A DH MC DU
I don't want nest to Grow 7.7% 1 AG
I want Nest to grow but I don't like the deposit idea 7.7% 1 MC
Undecided 0% 125 A B NF JD XD HB MG KM A S P TW IS Y L J CD S GM

11 of 136 people have participated (8%)


Vicki Baars Mon 19 Aug 2019 5:34PM

I guess there is a question about it that is returnable? I think people buying memberships earlier would be great for community building as well


Vicki Baars Mon 19 Aug 2019 5:52PM

I guess there is a question about it that is returnable? I think people buying memberships earlier would be great for community building as well


Vicki Baars Mon 19 Aug 2019 5:52PM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can

I guess there is a question about it that is returnable? I think people buying memberships earlier would be great for community building as well


Tom Allen Mon 19 Aug 2019 7:05PM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can

I like the idea in general although looking at stats from other burns expect atleast a 30% drop out rate. Regardless of the exact numbers of people who pull out or stay the distance, I like the idea because seeing a big influx of semi-commited people will no doubt spark more people getting more involved with making nest happen and that is what will lead to a successful growth more than just numbers alone. The earlier this is done the better, as there is more time for the interest to grow


Alice Tue 20 Aug 2019 2:37PM

I want Nest to grow, but not next year

Agree with Daniels point below. One of the big successes this year in my eyes was having more theme camps. I think a key focus this year should be in supporting them grow and develop.

"we need to prepare a mechanism so that those who are key to delivering the event (volunteers, theme camps, core team, etc...) get their tickets (hopefully the mere presence of such a system existing will encourage people to contribute)."


Mands Connolly Wed 21 Aug 2019 8:21AM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can

However I don't think £10 is enough to be meaningful. I suggest at leat £50.


Mands Connolly Wed 21 Aug 2019 8:22AM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can
I want Nest to grow but I don't like the deposit idea

However I don't think £10 is enough to be meaningful. I suggest at leat £50.


Mands Connolly Wed 21 Aug 2019 8:22AM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can
I want Nest to grow but I don't like the deposit idea
I want Nest to grow, but not next year

I want to grow, not this year, I like the deposit idea however I don't think £10 is enough to be meaningful. I suggest at leat £50.


Peter Tanczos Wed 21 Aug 2019 2:37PM

I want Nest to grow and I think this is a good way to tell if we can

All this does is give a reasonable estimation that we could sell the extra tickets required to justify the costs of an upgraded events licence

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