Fri 24 Jan 2020 5:45AM

Current risk assessment tools

AJ Aleks Jovanovic Public Seen by 26

Hi everyone, I thought you may find these links useful when preparing your risk assessment documentation (transfer to Echidna) for the people you support (As per Lynn's recent messages):

[Jeder Risk Assessment Tool]

[Risk Profile instruction notes and Risk Matrix]  

[Home visit risk checklist]  

We are hoping to move away from risk management approach towards a risk enabling approach in the near future and are preparing some new tools. stay tuned. For now, we're sticking with the attached tools.




Michaela Kennedy Sun 16 Feb 2020 9:23PM

Thanks Aleks, I look forward to reading the risk enablement P&P


Brett Pischke Wed 4 Mar 2020 10:37PM

Hi Aleks. Can I ask has there been any movement on the new JEDER Risk management tool??? @Aleks Jovanovic


Aleks Jovanovic Thu 5 Mar 2020 8:52AM

Hi Brett, There's movement! :) I've handed three policy / process documents to Michaela to review (aligning with current person centred frameworks) . Once that's done, I'll present them to the members for comment.


Poll Created Sat 28 Mar 2020 7:29AM

Moving towards Risk Enablement Closed Fri 3 Apr 2020 7:03AM

by Aleks Jovanovic Fri 3 Apr 2020 10:22AM

Thank you to everyone that voted and commented on this proposal.

The majority of votes suggests that we can move forward with the proposal. I'd love to have a few more clarifying rounds with Jason - up until I get his Agreement 🙂. You up for it mate?

After that I'll get the blessing(s) from the bored and start the trial in Sydney!

On the down side:

1) We have COVID 19 to think about in the Risk Jedi space. The timing of starting a new initiative is not great! Many members are extra busy, I know.

2) Considering this was a quality improvement strategy and a person centred one at that, I was a little disappointed to see such a small percentage of members take part in this process. The 'Abstain' button is there for those that don't care either way. I'm sure we'll come up with ways to encourage more engagement.

Thanks for your support with this everyone and take care.✌️


Agree 8 (88%)

Abstain 0 (0%)

Disagree 0 (0%)

Block 1 (11%)

9 people have voted (21%)

Dear fellow members,

Please find attached four documents for your review, feedback and acceptance.

The documents are:

1) The Enablement Risk Policy

2) The 7 QOL Measures - explained document

3) The What's Working Not Working Review Meeting and Information Gathering Process

4) The Jeder Implementation Plan template.

On Thursday last week I held a training day on this subject. The training is connected to a ten day Person Centred course currently facilitated by Michaela and Rachel Dickson - A Brilliant course. The training was successful and the participants (all Jeder members btw) indicated their support for the shift. I am proud that we have the courage, wisdom and confidence to not only think about possibilities but to take action. It's exciting to think that this progressive initiative is the stuff leadership is made of. The benefits of taking a risk!?

With patience I can acknowledge that have a lot of work ahead of us before we get this initiative to a great level. We're moving in the right direction.

The proposal is that:

Stage 1) All members provide feedback and comment on this approach and the associated documents. Wordsmithing, grammar corrections, typo reminders, open questions, positive feedback and constructive criticism are all welcome. please respond to this poll and feel free to engage by providing 'feedback'.

Stage 2) After stage 1) These documents and the associated processes are forwarded to the Jeder bored for endorsement / acceptance.

Stage 3) After stage 2) , a trial of the process is applied by all Sydney members. All going well, and after the completion of this trial, we aim to roll it out to all members.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.




Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 88.9% 8 DB LZ MH DU AJ DU DU MC
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 11.1% 1 JE
Undecided 0% 21 MD Y R CJ RP A C VL T LB DU RH JIS

9 of 30 people have participated (30%)


Mark Cauvin
Tue 31 Mar 2020 8:58PM

Great work Aleks, these material's are incredibly useful and I "extra agree" with the Jeder-ness ness.


Deleted account
Wed 1 Apr 2020 11:09PM

Great work Aleks and Team! Simple, practical and I love all the pictures! 👍


Lisa Zulfiqar
Thu 2 Apr 2020 8:11AM

Is Loomio playing up??? I have voted on this 3 times.. None are showing up. But yes agree.


Jason Emmins
Thu 2 Apr 2020 1:58PM

Please see my comment/review below for explanation. I feel there needs to be some more discussion around the whole risk approach but I do like the way its heading. I may be wrong, but it looks geared to the NDIS team and not Jeder as a whole (i.e. how do we manage organisational risk, what responsibilities are there regarding legal requirements etc)= happy to talk through these concerns.


Margaret Henville
Fri 3 Apr 2020 6:34AM

Amazing work Aleks on such a big job, thank you. I think Jason has some good points but is it good enough for now? Yes I think so.


Bernadette Melder Mon 30 Mar 2020 3:28AM

HI there I have had a read and your work is really great. My only suggestion is in the Enabling risk Policy Risk assessment that only reflects things that are important for people, such as medication procedures, hoist servicing, etc. Could we add "Informative decision Making" I am not sure if this is relevant but I find with my VIP's that making informative decisions would benefit from the "Positive risk management process"

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