Mon 24 Oct 2016 1:25PM

Second Meeting

AK Aaron Keohane Public Seen by 364

Hi all,

Our first meeting was interesting and I'd like to have another.

1) Would people be open to having another in November?

2) Could people suggest an alternative location? The acoustics in the Dublin Food Coop really were not conducive to a productive meeting.

3) Would people be open to organising a full day of information sharing?

4) In terms of the format of the meeting, I was thinking an Open Space Schedule might be a good idea or some type of focus group sessions or something. (here is a link to a description of the Open Space Schedule).



Jules Dutch Fitzsimons
Tue 25 Oct 2016 8:14PM

Happy to engage with the PPNs & SPCs local to me in Dublin


Davie Philip
Wed 26 Oct 2016 11:07AM

Yep I think we need to take advantage of any leverage for co-housing or land projects


Deleted User
Fri 28 Oct 2016 1:54PM

Both the ppn route,and private route need to be looked at,and mapped out


Aaron Keohane Tue 25 Oct 2016 5:54PM

To be honest I don't really know PPNs and SPCs are.


Jules Dutch Fitzsimons Tue 25 Oct 2016 8:13PM

PPN = public participation network, its a model the various city/county councils are adopting to engage with civil society groups

SPC = special policy committee, an older model which sometimes coexists with PPNs on areas such as Arts or Planning or Housing ... usually made up of a mix of politicians and specialists who advise/oversee the council


Emer O'Siochru Thu 27 Oct 2016 10:30AM

I think that we need to focus on developing a practical strategy for accommodating the existing housing needs/desires that have emerged at out first meeting. We have very little to offer others as yet. PPNs have a lot of issues that are not yet resolved and getting drawn in would suck up energy. We might be more effective staying at arms length but being available to present our well worked out proposals to PPN members as they evolve. Just meeting and talking does not progress our agenda without hard research, reports, worked examples etc. Some of us are already involved in PPN structures; I'm a Rep on Tipperary Energy Agency reporting to an Energy PPN linkage group. This takes quite a lot of my time... for very marginal effect.


Jules Dutch Fitzsimons Tue 1 Nov 2016 3:27PM

I'd guess that we could organise a meeting in the Liberties whenever we wanted @richardtaplin ?
They are doing some interesting community work there, i would be very interested to see what they are up to!

I know also that people outside of Dublin get rightfully miffed about how dublin-centric a lot of these things can get.... and I do reckon the guys out in Common Ground are well worth a visit on their own merits too!
I'm looking forward to popping out to them some time, i have never been there.

Before arranging places/dates, should we set some objectives or things to discuss at a second meeting?


Jules Dutch Fitzsimons Tue 1 Nov 2016 3:33PM

2 things i want to do is set up (or at least put the wheels in motion...) a Community Land Trust for Ireland, which groups could plug into as they come across or onto land (or use the documentation and process to set up a CLT of their own), and a short term letting co-op legal entity based on the Camelot model (http://ie.cameloteurope.com/) except cooperative and not dodgy ....

I have come across many scenarios where having these 'on the shelf' would prove very handy in making something happen, so i think putting some effort into them would be worthwhile


Richard Taplin Tue 1 Nov 2016 3:48PM

The build the park campaign will be launched that s month.

We want a new park,understanding the need for housing too.

We meet up on a Friday morn. And on a Saturday . the community room is available most of the Tim too. Maybe sat 18 th Nov.


Aaron Keohane Wed 2 Nov 2016 6:39AM

@julesdutchfitzsimo Those are two interesting ideas. Would you be up for doing a short presentation on each at the next meet up?

@richardtaplin Do you mean Saturday the 19th of November? If so that sounds great. What do people think of having it a bit earlier like at 18:00 or something?


Jules Dutch Fitzsimons Wed 2 Nov 2016 9:17PM

Yep I can do a presentation -- whats involved, why it would be of benefit and to who!

Also those should be set up as an 'approved housing body' ... O Cualainn did this successfully (and hopefully they will share with us some info on how they managed to do that) so we should be able to give it a shot too!


Eldon Hilliard Sat 12 Nov 2016 4:31AM

Hi Guys,

Sorry I've been a bit disconnected from this recently.

Open Space Schedule sounds good Aaron however there are so many different models of housing co-ops and financing structures.

Could we identify where there are gaps in our collective knowledge ahead of the next meeting so that people could research a new approach each and then bring it to the group




Sam Toland Sat 19 Nov 2016 10:31AM

@julesdutchfitzsimo et al. Is there still a meeting for this evening? :) If so, where and what time?


Jules Dutch Fitzsimons Sat 19 Nov 2016 5:25PM

Well I'm in tog the Dublin hacker space all weekend, there's an event happening here.

Drop round anyone who wants to chat, it's around the corner from the food co-op


Sam Toland Sun 20 Nov 2016 8:33PM

@julesdutchfitzsimo thanks for the invite, but we decided to save ourselves for the next full meeting.

Is there talk of one before Christmas?