
Action required re City Council Motion.

JG josephine grey Public Seen by 4

..need a strategy asap. There are more eyes on us now and we need to be media ready soon...can we discuss here and or arrange a meeting soon(zoom, phone, in person) to work on this?


josephine grey Mon 9 Dec 2019 6:52AM

The new project team is taking on media strategy etc. Yay!

FYI- see our briefing note for the 1st city working group meeting this friday- will keep you all posted


josephine grey Wed 15 Jan 2020 1:07AM

We had a fantastic meeting with TCHC and the City this morning.... Phase 1- Food buying club office is for sure and they want to discuss phase 2 -the AP system and bio-energy systems in detail. ASAP. We are to meet with the Councilors office asap as well... the first green light from TCHC for OASIS in 9 years.

Can we the Board and team meet very soon, catch up, discuss the opportunities and state of play of the OASIS pilot and plan for growing our co-op?

by the way The City pathways report will be in draft by end of Jan and due Feb 10th. This is sooner than we expected, we have extra time to work on rallying our community, partners and resources to be ready to launch this pilot.

The Oasis City Motion team signed on to support us til March, and we have students continuing in the spring. The team would like to work on applying by Feb 10 for new federal social enterprise funding- from community foundations Canada - for "Investment readiness"

The funding pays for services in business planning, legal analysis, community bonds etc. to help the co-op scale up to manage multi million budgets, assets, space and people

should help give us more time and space to grow resident engagement this spring and summer



I am raising a motion to permit the oasis team work on the application with and on behalf of St James Town Cooperative and various partners TBD to apply for the program above - and ensuring the Board will have final approval before it is submitted. - please go to poll to vote by friday.


josephine grey Wed 15 Jan 2020 1:08AM

i mean proposal function - to vote on the motion....


Poll Created Wed 15 Jan 2020 1:11AM

funding for scale up systems development Closed Sat 18 Jan 2020 1:01AM

moved by JG-

Motion to permit the oasis team work on the application with and on behalf of St James Town Cooperative and various partners TBD to apply for the program above - and ensuring the Board will have final approval before it is submitted.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 0% 0  
Abstain 0% 0  
Disagree 0% 0  
Undecided 0% 6 YF RC JG JC

0 of 6 people have participated (0%)