
Start with the big issues

AS Andrew Sheldon Public Seen by 409

There are thousands of issues that we could discuss. To be sure 'the flag' is one of them. The fact that its a focal point at all probably says something about our political system. The fact that our nation's leader advanced it says something about our political system.
The lack of consultation, and the custodianship of that issue, says something about our political system. The nature of our political system starts with some pretty fundamental questions that are not discussed. The fact that they are not discussed means there is very little hope of reconciling different views. As long as people are not obliged to question their assumptions, means that our political system is destined to remain an extortion system. No freedom is possible; only people's wasted hopes.


Andrew Sheldon Thu 5 Nov 2015 3:37AM

Well, there is certainly misuse; but that needs to be seen as a 'product' of system failure. That's not to say that people don't make mistakes. I occasionally back laggard CEOs, and to the extent I choose is my failing. The extent to which the system is imposed, or taxes imposed, then there is a personal sanction missing that results in a poor outcome to be sure, not just in inefficient spending, but misappropriated monies, in the same way that stolen money or goods is misappropriated. So I don't see this as merely as an 'efficiency' issue. Of course if we were to return to the 'good old days' of the 1860s, then we might not miss a few percent taxes; but that system brought up to this point, so we have to do better.
I think there is no such thing as a public utility. All values are personal. If you as a person have nothing vested, then you can be sure that someone will claim it 'in the name of the public good', i.e. because they are more popular than you, and they have an election to prove it.
I use the concept 'unlevel' above to imply 'unfairness' or 'injustice' in principles of law, i.e. a breach of principle. Not to suggest any imbalancing in wealth, or requirement for redistribution.


Alan Forster Thu 5 Nov 2015 11:45AM

I take your point about the problems with any majoritarive system, however if we are to peruse a form of national management then the democratic principle is the only one that offers the average person any say / representation at the input and decision level.
The fact that our current system is corrupt (despite the claims that Mp's pay parity with corporate equivalents is to stop corruption) , too slow (it takes years to get legislation enacted), maned by the wrong people with the wrong ethos (trained that way), not fulfilling its social contract (the authority is handed over by us every election for the term to manage the country for all our benefit (fairly or at least rationaly). And worse continues to deceives us and hide the truths, eg northland archaeology secret until 2065,tppa,Birth certs are corporate ownership receipts, (not publicly disclosed, ever) And we follow overseas theories and methods that don,t work except for the 1% , corporations and the wannabe powerful who implement under stealth any required methods to maintain power /cash flow, behind the illusions of public service.

Its well past broken, its fascicle and a wonder it still "functions" at all.
in the current mainstream world,
1. Way too many are not educated as to the true nature of our nation state. (constitutional monarchy, under maritime law)The powers that be have no intention of disclosing the truths via education. The crown is a corporation not a benevolent organization for our benefit.(despite voting and tax spending on public systems and trade deals).
2. We have been systematically excluded from the political process, public consultations are generally just to let us believe we,ve been included.
Voting on party basis (Labor or National) is now irrelevant as monetary policy set overseas determines mostly what will happen regardless of whats right or common sense.
3.The disenfranchised are too weary, confused, programmed, distracted, trusting, gullible and ignorant to care and less and less vote each election feeling quite rightly that it makes no difference as to what happens.
So i think we all agree that its busted for these and more reasons the question is beyond protesting, petitioning, marching and writing to your MP , What can be done to bring the system back to actual public service and health. ?


William Asiata Thu 5 Nov 2015 5:54PM

I feel we need to develop towards a popular dual-power situation. Where the people are organised and cohesive enough that the institutions that be can't really do anything except go along with and work for the peoples expressed will, whatever it may be.


Pamela M Bramley Mon 9 Nov 2015 2:07AM

Wow this is very intellectual and my analysis is from myself who is a ordinary citizen of NZ with not a lot of means.
What it seems to come down to for me is how money seems to be the power that leads to corruption and determines how different people live their lives within the widening gap between the rich and poor in NZ.
Understanding the life of money and how it is used is the first step and I give you this link which simplifies a take on money for most people to comprehend.
In my opinion it is through the power of money that allows the politics of government to not act in the best interest of all its citizens


William Asiata Fri 23 Sep 2016 2:13AM

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