
Profile based search for decentralized networks

M MrFrety Public Seen by 25

A couple of years ago, when I first heard about social-networks, one of my first thoughts was that they would render phone numbers obsolete. Now you would just have to type in the name (plus maybe some extra information to uniquely identify the person) and there you go. Like a phone book where the humans don't have to worry about numbers because the rest takes places behind the scenes.
One problem about this is the following: You might not want everybody to be able to call you.

Now consider this solution. You have a small server at your home where you've stored some information about yourself, like your name, your approximate height, a few alternatively acceptable words that describe your eye-color etc.
Another person (let's call him Bob) would like to call you (or chat with you...). Bob fills in a search query with everything he knows about you. For example: "name: Adam; eye-color: brown; hobbies: dancing; favorite food: beef steak" This string is sent to all servers in the network including yours. Your server only answers to the request if all the provided information correctly matches its own data, while the request typically doesn't include all the data but only part of it. If you want additional security you can make some fields required. A field "password:" or the field "favorite food:", for example.
After the response of your server Bob can communicate with you, for example via xmpp or sip.

What's your opinion on the practicability of this idea?
Does anyone want to create a git-hub repository for this?
Are there known similar approaches already?
Comments welcome.