Thu 31 Jul 2014 8:18AM

Initial meeting with Dion, the client

JH Jess Harrison Public Seen by 4


Here's the dropbox link for our initial meeting with our client, Dion.


Jess Harrison Thu 31 Jul 2014 9:02AM

Notes from the meeting with Dion.
Keys taken from the meeting:

-DBT's aim is to make people become more responsible towards self harm.

-He wants the perspective of young people. We are all consumers of this service and the curriculum needs to have a youthful and skillful stance.

-We need to ramp up the value of dialectical behaviour therapy. Due to the fact that it is part of the public health system, it isn't valued as much as it could be.

-The 5 books that the families take away need re designing. They are infant looking, and are too text heavy and overexplained. The language used needs to become less intense and have a bilingual stance.

-The curriculum needs to be effecting and appealing.

-Handouts need to be discrete. Could be small, A6 size. Dion wants us to reformat content into 5 distinct packages.

-The diary card is a necessity. Members do not like fulling them out, so need revisiting.

-Peoples resistance towards certain aspects of the course needs to be reduced.

-Design some sort of memory device for each weekly skill to easily hand out.

-Likes the idea of a coffee card. Could do something like that as a reward for peoples progress.

-What we produce can't cost more than $300 to print bulk. Also needs to have the ability to be printed in house, and work well in greyscale.