
CAN handbook and guide

PG Phil Green Public Seen by 24

Hi all,
The draft CAN handbook has recently had a major reworking focusing more on A/UK learning, at
and separating out the beginnings of a possible related guide.
The Citizens Action Network development page:
https://www.appropedia.org/Citizens_Action_Network_development is being updated re both the handbook and guide.

Earlier posts re this project are mainly in the CAN update thread:
https://www.loomio.org/d/IkcQboKq/can-updatequick recap:
*Dec - Jan: first draft of CAN handbook, following on from last co-creators zoom of 2020
*early Feb: draft reshape into a handbook and guide

It seems a good idea to have a separate thread for this project.
It's set up to show latest posts first.

The guide, provisional title: Guide to CANs and the wider world, is very much under construction, and is likely to change a lot, but hopefully will be a contribution to exploring initiatives and ways to accelerate the emergence of the CAN of CANs (or CANs of CANs?)

Some A/UK thinking re this from Alternative Editorial: Deep Revolution, Nov 22, 2020:
(movements to support citizen-based action, need to be) "Collaborative not competitive, diverse on principle, deeply connected to individual as well as planetary well-being".

(and re) "...more support for long term goals such as community wealth building: let the people not only use empty buildings and other assets but generate income from them and create common ownership. Working actively with local cooperatives to build on the social capital they have built over the years could help communities begin to thrive.

Secondly, it’s crucial that this does not remain a volunteer network doing the governments work while Westminster spends 30 billion on military expenditure we never approved. More community agency should add up to more jobs, more money and more flourishing.

To achieve that local economies are increasingly what we call cosmo-local – drawing on the experience, methods and practices from cutting edge thinking from around the world. This is partly through CANs like Transition having global communities of their own to connect with. But it will increasingly be through global networks of all kinds coming into the homes of every citizen."

And from
@David Wilcox , CAN update thread, Nov 24: "So we need flat-packs for citizens, as well as for citizen-led councils. Should we be designing those, collaboratively?"

Some questions re this, which hopefully the guide might begin to answer:
1. What would a knowledge commons for (and by?) CANs look like? and what relationship ?s might that pose?
2. More broadly what would a Peoples’ policy for social infrastructure look like?
3. a more specific example: for cosmolocal learning clubs within CANs, what might help or accelerate the development of these?
4. what other resources might be better shared to help accelerate the development of CANs?
5. what is going on that invites people into relationship?
6. for a growing number of anyone interested, or active in CANs, how do we make it so that people can start with the basics of finding each other easily and as specifically as they want, and continue this over time? and perhaps related to that:
7. How do we learn to fully and adequately recognise each others’ efforts as a step toward wider recognition?


Maria Mon 29 Mar 2021 7:52AM

Hi Phil. Yes we are applying for the current round. And yes it should be right up their street so fingers crossed 🤞🙂


Phil Green Sat 27 Mar 2021 5:38PM

Hi @Maria , Roz , and all, I recently came across the Emergence Foundation
and wondered if you knew of them? As they describe themselves as an educational charity I wondered if might be of interest re the ReGen A project?
Looks like there are 2 funding rounds this year.


Kayleigh Thu 25 Mar 2021 6:53AM

Sorry, I've not been on the forums in ages. Thank you for thinking of the work I do! Been very busy with different bits (will probably do an update post at some point). Lots of interesting bits I assure you.

I will have a look at the fund and see what can be done with it


Phil Green Mon 8 Mar 2021 8:32AM

Yes, would be good to discuss at a Co-creator meeting. Great if Deana would introduce the discussion


David Wilcox Sat 6 Mar 2021 12:14PM

Yes, interesting route. I think Deana and Coalville C.A.N. would be the experts


Indra Adnan Sat 6 Mar 2021 11:12AM

Shall we discuss this at a Co-creator meeting? There must be a number of ways this can be used as a fundraising tool for starting a CAN? eg Save the local library / club building / shopping centre to start a CAN?


Phil Green Fri 5 Mar 2021 1:18PM

Hi @Dean Bowles @Kayleigh and all, just in case you haven't seen this and may be of interest



Phil Green Mon 1 Mar 2021 11:05AM

Hi all, Stoke on Trent wiki page
recently set up which might be of interest to any co-creators from Stoke, eg in response to Mike from Counter Community who I think said in a recent call they were interested in involvement with more environment type activity? - The local wildlife trust is supported by volunteers and has a centre near Stoke. Perhaps this already involved though, I see Canal River Trust listed on website?

Anyone with any ideas how to improve this article, happy to help if I can.


Phil Green Thu 25 Feb 2021 10:06AM

"'''this (funding system) is not enough for the social, economic and environmental crisis we face, even more so in the post covid context.'''

So many studies have shown the incredible value created if social capital is higher in a neighbourhood. Social capital boosts health and reduces anxiety, it reduces unemployment, it increases academic achievement, it increases household income, it reduces crime rates, it stimulates climate change action, it increases political participation, it increases attachment to place and economic growth, it stimulates entrepreneurship, it builds resilience and creates positive life outcomes. In one study it showed that social capital was more important to education outcomes than education spending. The list of studies goes on and on." Designing participation systems around people, not institutions, Tessy Britton, Feb 24, 2021. https://tessybritton.medium.com/designing-participation-systems-around-people-not-institutions-b2188e08b854


Phil Green Mon 22 Feb 2021 3:44PM

Just been looking at "Inviting, welcoming and including everyone."
"The communications need to stand out from anything people will have seen before. They need to compete with all the enticements of mainstream entertainments... ...it instead needs to provide a platform on which people from every walk of life, every belief system or culture can be attracted to, feel welcome and included. It needs to be aspirational, giving a glimpse of a social, connected, local way of life that is beautiful and uplifting."
"...‘the sum total of all the people, ideas, activities and outcomes that create a place, excluding no one.’

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