Tue 2 Apr 2024 8:02PM

Tech Working Group "Open House", Saturday 13 April @ 1600-1800

C Calix Public Seen by 167

Hey social.coop-erators!

The Tech Working Group is holding an "open house" meeting soon, on Saturday 13th April, from 1600-1800 (4pm-6pm) UTC (click here to see this converted into your timezone), and you're invited to join!

The idea is to make a space for any social.coop member to come meet members of the Tech Working Group, ask questions, and share your ideas with us. If you're considering joining the Tech Working Group, or you've previously been involved and would like to step back in, this is also a chance to catch up with what we've been doing, and see where you can get involved.

We'll be speaking over Jitsi on this link: https://meet.evolix.org/twg – if you haven't used Jitsi before, you can join from your browser, or a variety of phone / desktop apps, using this link (no pre-registration is needed).

Please drop any suggestions or questions about the open house in this thread, otherwise thanks for reading, and looking forward to seeing some of you there!


Calix (3wc)


Gabriel Garrido Wed 3 Apr 2024 10:35AM

Exciting! @Calix To be clear is it on Sunday 14th or Saturday 13th? The post has contradicting information regarding the date.


Ed Summers @edsu Wed 3 Apr 2024 1:24PM

I see it on the Co-Op Calendar as Saturday the 13th so I'm guessing @Calix meant the 13th? This was a great idea, I'm looking forward to it!


Calix Wed 3 Apr 2024 2:12PM

Yep thanks @Ed Summers @edsu and @Andrew Escobar (Andres) · social.coop Finance Working Group - it's Saturday 13th!