Groups and their principles
I'll try to list some groups that I think intersect enough that they should think about whether they should consciously become a network of networks.
I'll do this in some comments because I don't have all the required info yet, and in hopes that others will help, if they think this thread is useful.
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 7:33PM
Another group is the Alliance for Interoperability of Collaborative Technologies, AKA Collaborative Technology Alliance. Their principles and ideas are contained in the documents linked to their names.
According to the second document, their members include "Hylo, Enspiral, Loomio, CoBudget, Chalkle, Robin Hood Cooperative,, Ethereum, Citizen Code,,, KiwiConnect, Lifehack, Planetwork, Impact Hub, Refugio Resource, Pyxis, triaxiom9, spirit...Backfeed, CredEx, Village Lab, Ceptr, and Swarm."
Greg Cassel Thu 12 Nov 2015 7:56PM
^ I believe that Collaborative Technology Alliance is the beginning of a fusion of Alliance for Interoperability of Collaborative Technologies and Collaborative Software Consortium. Edward West and Ishan Shapiro are among the people who can speak most directly on this.
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:03PM
Yet another group met in the recent Impact Economy Summit, and which is continuing to meet. Meetings will be announced at Cooperative Infrastructure. Here's a metamap from that meeting.
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:06PM
And then there's the ValueFlows project, composed of these people.
Short form principles on the first link above. Long form linked from the short form.
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:10PM
But not to forget TransforMap, and their principles and more principles.
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:11PM
@lynnfoster - can you find some links for the PLP gang? Or other Ouishare gangs?
Bob Haugen Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:11PM
And who did I miss?
Greg Cassel Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:19PM
Thanks so much for trying to pull so many people and ideas together @bobhaugen .
Greg Cassel Thu 12 Nov 2015 8:19PM
You haven't mentioned Sensorica yet unless I'm having an episode of acute blindness, which does happen at times!
Bob Haugen · Thu 12 Nov 2015 7:27PM
The first group is the Open App Ecosystem, which this discussion space spun out of.
Here are some of their ideas and principles:
The Open App Ecosystem originated in Enspiral, which is yet another group. I think Enspiral needs to be considered as another group because the Open App Ecosystem idea took off in the minds of many more people and groups than Enspiral. (Thanks, Enspiral!)