Thu 27 Nov 2014 10:50AM

Connect the TEDx to an upcoming IAF conference

AK Anja Kantowsky Public Seen by 78

Kimberly Bain posted on LinkedIn:
We did a TEDx on "the Power of Facilitation" in Halifax called TEDxCidetal It was the day before the IAF Halifax Conference which was nice because it got a lot of cross over from conference attendees.

So we could do this again and get more awareness for the power of facilitation.


Rosemary Cairns Thu 27 Nov 2014 5:54PM

This is a great idea, Anja. There are a number of IAF conferences in different places each year. Maybe IAF could promote it as part of the conference organization strategy?
Organizers just have to be careful about how they link it to the conference and how they advertise it. The TEDx rules say that it is not possible to link a TEDx event directly to another event.
What IAF did was to have two separate teams working on the conference and on the TEDx event, which happened the evening before the conference began. IAF paid for the filming and thus was able to advertise the TEDx talks to members (and put it on the IAF YouTube channel).
There is also some interest on the Art of Hosting Facebook group (where there also been an enthusiastic discussion about this idea) about following up TEDx talks with a participatory event that would allow participants to reflect on and talk about the ideas - or maybe about something else. Several people are focusing on doing something along these lines at an upcoming TEDx event in Brussels, if I understand correctly.


Rosa Zubizarreta Mon 15 Dec 2014 6:31PM

Rosemary, I've often thought that it would be good to partner with speakers who understand the power of facilitation, to design events that are presentation followed by, 'community conversation' afterward. It so often breaks my heart, to see a community turning out to listen to a powerful speaker, yet not having the simple scaffolding that would allow for people to easily meet one another afterward, explore their responses, even form action groups (especially in the case of presentations that are focused on some sort of needed change.)

So I think that whatever is being done here, could be a) a model of how to do this, and b) could explicitly mention the value of facilitation, not just for groups within an organization, but also as a way to support community learning.

Also, it's not about knocking the value of the presentation-style of offering, but about enhancing it...


Gillian Martin Mehers Thu 18 Dec 2014 12:42AM

I think it would be great to stretch or bend the TED norms also in the TEDx event and have more facilitated discussions around it, rather than the usual speaker/audience relationship. To model our message!