Fri 18 Oct 2019 6:15PM

Purpose Session Zeist

DG Daan Gorter Public Seen by 144

We defined the purposes for building the Village of the Future, last Wednesday in Utrecht.

I'd like to share it with all of you!

Purpose why we should build the Village of the Future

  1. To survive as a human race. Not only human beings. But all of nature. Also to regenerate nature and eco systems. That you can live as autonomous human beings. Can share all resources and the land you are living on. I am here because I am shared. Whole of nature is sharing and growing. If I give my quality to earth to share, I can take all the qualities of others and you are rich. Don’t need money. It will destroy the plan

  2. Community foster a feeling of belonging and support and flow. Which sometimes as individuals we might feel out of. We can feel isolated and overwhelmed by our surrounding. Find inspiration from group

  3. Momentum of village to counteract system that is in place that promotes competition and lack. System cooperation, and abundance. Step outside of lie. Reclaiming of the power that is in the hands of few, bring back to communal power. Circular economy, not same as growing unsustainable current economy. Strong enough to change worlds.

  4. Intentional communities where people join in for purpose higher than self. Work on actively. Leave differences behind. Work towards that as communal goal.

  5. The survival of the species of human kind necessary to do something. Believe that in creating village of the future we have the space to raise our frequency and set example for rest of world. Smaller group easier to let individual shine. Raising quality and frequency of whole village. High quality, food, art, music. In doing we raise whole frequency of village. Permit everyone to shine. We live in society where we compare right now. Competition. In a place of non-judgement we permit each other to shine. Raise frequency in village, others will come out of it. Prevent disaster. Of course this is an ideal. But by doing and trying we learn. It’s not only for the village. But everyone will learn. To learn from the experiment.

  6. This village of future allows us to connect more to self and nature. Hope that this will allow the feminine to thrive more that it can in our current society. Cycles, our own cycles. Live according to wisdom of our own bodies. We hope that living co dependently people learn to value resources more. And learn to use less. Community close to home, and people directly around us, people that surround us will no longer by strangers but our family.

  7. Connection. TO self. TO others. To nature. We talked about finding a peaceful way to live together, with earth, and plants, and animals, guided by the universe. If we want to live peacefully with each other and earth, we need to do inner healing work. What’s inside is represented outside. Community great mirror to see our inner work


Caring for the earth. Live sustainable. Living peacefully allows full potential. Infinite possibilities. Also tapping into abundance field. Living by example. For rest of world. Smaller group would balance us out, gives feedback in how much we take and how much we give back to each other. Community would be security care web. Caring for each other.

  1. To do it together. Not doing it alone anymore. Gathering energies. Life force energy. Going back to basics. Simple living. Back to Self. With planting own veggies and making own food. More connection and take more responsibility. Journey inwards. Pacha mama