Wed 12 Feb 2014 4:33AM

Membership Drive

DS Danyl Strype Public Seen by 26

Now that we have our CRM functioning at My.PirateParty.org.nz, it's time to do a major membership drive. As well as bringing in the 500 members we need to become a registered political party, this will bring in the funds and volunteers we need to take the Party organisation to the next level. Some of the things current members can do to bring in new members may include:

  • email every family member, friend, acquaintance or contact who may be interested in being a member, and encourage them to join. Include info about joining use My.PP and Pirate Camp. I just did this today.
  • push out this message through your social media networks on FB, Twitter, Identi.ca, Tent.io etc
  • print NZPP leaflets and do a leaflet drop in your neighbourhood
  • contact your local newspapers, public access/ student radio and other local media and ask if they would like to interview you about the NZPP
  • design, print, and hand out NZ PP stickers, and stick them in prominent places

Andrew McPherson Sun 20 Apr 2014 3:46PM

I think it maybe a legal requirement for all political parties to have a maximum of three years membership.

Also, I am not sure about board meeting minutes after October 2013, as I have had limited contact with terry since then & have had to deal with my Fiancée being in hospital several times since then.
I will try and find out what is happening this week.


Hubat McJuhes Tue 22 Apr 2014 9:00AM

@andrewmcpherson @andrewmcpherson Could it be that there is an issue with the wording?

If the membership is one or three years, then you stop being a member after that time. If you want to still be a member, then you need to become a new member. That doesn't sound smart.

The time limit of three years is probably about the maximum time a one-off payment can finance your full membership status that is required to count towards the 500 member threshold. So this is about a membership status. The membership itself should be regarded as a subscription in that sense that after the time frame of your current payment you still are regarded a member, but lose the full membership status until the payment for the ongoing full status is received. This payment should be regarded as an ongoing duty of the member that can only be avoided by actively unsubscribing from the membership roll.
You should not automatically cease being a member.


Danyl Strype Wed 30 Apr 2014 5:20AM

"You should not automatically cease being a member."

True, but when your subscription runs out, you stop being a financial member (required to count towards 500, access to this Loomio group etc). CiviCRM keeps all contact information for those who have not kept their financial membership current (unless requested to delete them), and we can certainly still treat them as part of the Pirate movement we want to mobilize, even while they're not financial members of the party.


Ben Vidulich Wed 30 Apr 2014 12:33PM

An update regarding MyPP: there are 23 people currently registered on the site. This by no means indicates how many financial members we have - I am yet to reconcile the old records with the new ones generated by MyPP.

Also, if you have inquiries regarding membership then please email [email protected]. There's a lot of threads here and I don't currently have time to check them all. I'm generally more responsive via email though ;-)