
ongoing discussion, Nov 2021

PG Phil Green Public Seen by 30

Hi all, in advance of alternatives, just wanted to post something here, following on fortnightly ongoing discussion. As a consequence of discussion in two recent sessions, first of which maybe not recorded (? Indra had to leave midway), I'm noticing what others are saying about resourcing movements. As Indra hinted at on Monday there's maybe more common ground than it might seem in spite of the apparent diversity of views. Just referencing this: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/seminar-3-making-participatory-democracy-a-reality-building-a-movement-tickets-198871499007A few sentences from the intro stood out for me:

"There is no point in recreating structures that are dominated by those with the funding, time or cultural capital." and

"The Commons does not just refer to the common ownership of land but as a way of making decisions about land. According to Commons Rising: “By Commons we mean people self-organising to co-produce and co-govern resources that they recognise as important for their livelihood and well-being and that of the planet.”