Thu 27 Jun 2013 9:40AM

Multi Proposal at the same time.

CT Chris Taklis Public Seen by 224

It might be better if it's activated to have more than 1 purposal at the same time.

The reason is: you might have 2 nice purposals but you must decide which both of the 2 you like most, and that can happen only if you can have more than 1 purposal live on the same time.

What is your opinion?


Barry Baker Wed 21 Aug 2013 3:13AM

Agree @richarddbartlett - just about a precursor to a proposal in its current form.

And i would envisage it as another option, not a necessity to get o a proposal

I think it is necessary step though as my initial feel is the proposal system is good at focus and decision making but not is also narrow (different sides of same coin).

Please accept my feedback as a desire to improve a good concept into what i would use it for rather than a criticism.

Thank you.


vivien maidaborn Wed 21 Aug 2013 5:41AM

I like the idea of multiple choices being a tool to use to create focus toward deeper discussion rather than replacing the decision itself. That seems constructive for sure! The Loomio team is working on the roadmap for next features now so we will look forward to sharing that and getting your input on priorities between this and the myriad other features people want as well over the next couple of weeks or so.


Joshua Vial Wed 21 Aug 2013 6:00AM

I think something like a yammer poll that is visually distinct from a decision would meet this need nicely - it still shows up on the right hand side but it's presented as learning and gaining insight from the group rather than making a binding decision.


Raphaël Jadot Wed 21 Aug 2013 6:49AM

Hello, I'm new to this group, but using Loomio since few months now :) I'm totally in favour in multi-purposal, but i'm not sure a "vote" is the best thing to bring to loomio.


Danyl Strype Wed 21 Aug 2013 12:33PM

Does anybody else find themselves thinking around in circles on this stuff? Nonetheless, I can see a few possible solutions here.

  • The simplest is for people to simply post their counter-proposals as comments, and see how many people 'like' them (as a modification of that approach, the full range of positions we can currently take on a proposal could be offered for each comment).

  • One would be to simply allow editing of proposals while they are live, obliging people to actively follow discussion on which they take a position, or risk having said "yes" to one thing which then becomes something totally different. The proposal could be auto-extended (eg by 3 days) every time it is edited, to give people time to check if their position still holds.

  • The need for multiple proposals tends to come out of longs discussion threads. What about adding a draft proposal feature, where a proposal can be entered normally, but edited on the fly by any user, with a version history. Positions are reset every time the text is edited. A draft could be locked (by who?), making it into a Current Decision (used as normal). This could be used either to craft a proposal before going for formal consensus, or in tandem with a Current Decision, as a way of trying out amendments.

  • This would be a lot of work, but combining editable proposals with integrated realtime chat (using a standard like XMPP or IRC), could allow us to have 'decision sprints', where we hash it out in a chat room, edit the proposal, check people's positions, "have we got consensus? No?" iterate until golden brown. A realtime chat feature would also provide an alternative to situations I've been in when two users end up logged in at the same time, flooding Loomio discussions with ping-pong comments.


Barry Baker Wed 21 Aug 2013 6:16PM

Reading through the discussion threads, and using them to expand my thinking;

1) I would still prefer an ability to have an ability to post a multiple choice question that can be voted on and could be recorded as a decision like the current proposal history but

2) perhaps it is called Pathway or precursor and shown separately from proposals so the option can simply be used as a poll (full stop) or as a stepping stone tool to help focus and form a path to a good proposal point

3) the discussion tree is an option but a separate precursor function allows visibility and recording of that step



Matthew Bartlett Wed 21 Aug 2013 7:15PM

During yesterday's big workshop some of the Loomio team spent a while working on a feature to do approximately what the proposal is suggesting. I'm working on turning paper mockups into something gloriously digital. Will share when I'm done.


Meg Rose Wed 21 Aug 2013 11:07PM

Meg Rose should also have said excellent proposal - I like the thinking underway.


Matthew Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:32AM

Here's my mockup of that feature: https://www.loomio.org/discussions/6413 I aim to do some work making it easier to understand what's going on with the screenshots, but they might still be interesting in their current state.


Barry Baker Thu 22 Aug 2013 6:09AM

@matthewbartlett - hi there - am i thick or does that link below point to a thread about editing comments not multiple answer proposals?


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