What's the status of this group?
Looks like it kind of died.
Clay Shentrup Wed 30 Aug 2017 3:04PM
Oh good. I may be moving to PNW soon so I'd love to connect if that happens.
Sara Wolf Thu 19 Oct 2017 9:59AM
And we're back!!! Where to meet next? Steering committee only for starters? General meeting to regroup and see who's showing up? Soon!?
Chris Callan-Hinsvark Tue 24 Oct 2017 1:53AM
Is this the official coordination board for equal.vote? I was pointed here by Aaron but I couldn't find any links on equal.vote to here. I'd be interested in an update and/or meeting about what's going on.
Sara Wolf Mon 30 Oct 2017 8:02AM
Hi Chris! This isn't an official Equal Vote forum though many people here are also Equal Vote members. It's a broader group than that, including people who support a wide variety of voting systems. A lot of key decisions made by Equal Vote and and also RCV Oregon over the last year have been made based on polling and discussions here!
This is a great place to come to learn and to participate in crafting this movement so that we accomplish our goals!
I'll be sending out an email update and posting a meeting invite soon! We'd love to have you.
Sara Wolf Wed 10 Jan 2018 6:16AM
The STAR Voting Campaigns have their own Loomio these days that we are using for internal decision making. It's a closed group that's for committee members, subcommittee members, and "experts" or others that we consult with for specific issues. If you are in that group please prioritize those threads! Help keep them focused and concise! They're often time sensitive!
If you'd like to volunteer, either remotely or in person, we'd love to have you! Please email me at [email protected] for Portland or [email protected] for the Eugene area and let me know what you are particularly interested in and any skills you have to offer. There will be a lot of signature gathering and much more around outreach, education, legal, tech, fundraising, press, marketing, you name it!
This group is still a great resource! It's totally inclusive, It's better for topics that are more open ended, it's great for ideas that aren't currently on the front burner or that may not be on the STAR Voting agenda at all. You can be long winded if you have a lot to say. You can invite your friends. This group stands for "Real Choice Voting" and so our mission here is more broad. Election reform is a big field and voting systems are just the foundation.
Sara Wolf Wed 30 May 2018 5:25AM
We are ditching the name Real Choice Voting as requested by Fair Vote. This group can remain as is and stand for Ranked Choice Voting OR or become Election Reform Or like the fb group? Thoughts?
Adam Zielinski · Thu 3 Aug 2017 2:19AM
We are all taking a summer break. People traditionally stop showing up to meetings and events during the summer. But stay tuned, we plan to get active again in September.