
2024 March Guild Wide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 16

​Hi Guild mates, 

It was great seeing you all yesterday at the guild wide meeting. And those who couldn't make it, we missed you. Here's the recap and if you have any questions, please let me know or ask someone for support. Love you all. 

March Guild Wide Meeting 

Wednesday March 6th, 5:30pm ET Agenda Doc (Open Here

Facilitator - Carlos

Secretary - Chris & Jerone with Dave Shadowing 

Announcements & Call to Actions

1) Next guild wide meeting is Mandatory: Please mark your calendar and if you can't make it, follow the proxy protocol (Proxy  Protocol) 

2) Guild Collaborator Circle is now Available. (See Loomio

What you can do to support 

- Share with people and invite them to join. 

- Support with hosting 

​3) [Mice/Pest] Please CLEAN AFTER YOURSELF (food/leftovers) 

​4) Guild member hangout! 

​- 3/9 guildhall late night hang

​- 3/22-24 creative Jam

​5) Newsletter Submission Due 3/8 5pm 

​- 250 words or less! + Photo + links 

​- send to [email protected] 

[F​rom Discussion] 

- Please fill out this form [PPAC Member Roles] under your name and read what members of the guild are up to! 

- We're continuing to reflect/make adjustments to what is/isn't working at the guild. And that looks/feels different for everyone. Let us move into the space with curiosity and empathy. [Loomio Post from last meeting

​Thank you all for your participation and let's get it! 

love and light
