
Cycle 3 Anchor

RH Ronen Hirsch Public Seen by 7

Josh Fairhead Mon 12 Apr 2021 6:58PM

Coherent messaging

@Ronen Hirsch - I'm not sure how I framed this (and can't find what you're specifically referring to). None the less I can appreciate yours.


I've also had one:one's with everyone and don't feel a need for more of them within the group we've created. I feel they will arise at the appropriate moment anyway, but I would probably feel like an outsider if just joining our group. While I'm not sure that structural enforcement is necessary; I would like to be mindful of balancing in/out group dynamics.

Off boarding

Yeah, its not alive for me ether at the moment tbh; probably just my Stoic tenancies to think about these things.Being prepared for worst case scenarios has to preempt and bounce back from catastrophes to large degrees. Often they are unlikely to happen but when they do occur recovery is often contingent on preparation.


Lastly, I would like to bring something else you said @Josh Fairhead as a question in this context:

Whats the question here @Ronen Hirsch? To add context I was thinking about the notion of Kairos, so it applies to "[good] governance issues made too early" as well ;)


Ronen Hirsch Wed 26 May 2021 4:03PM

Just wanted to signal that I had a pleasant 2-hour conversation with Maija (on Sunday, May 26th) and extended an invitation to join our crew.

We spent some time getting to know each other. It turns out she comes from a rural background where being in warm winter is correlated to a pile of wood that shrinks over winter. Like all of us, she is seeking meaningful and sustaining work. Like most of us, she is already very busy with a full-time job, a child to raise, and additional volunteer engagements.

I shared about our work (remote microsolidarity) and the way we go about it - our culture (prioritizing mutual care and collective well-being). I shared about how we work (prioritizing asynchronous, Loomio, discord, sandbox, showing up as you are, no shoulds or oughts).

I left her with an open invitation. She said she would like to take a couple of weeks, I invited her to take as long as she needs. I felt, and expressed, that the invitation is open as long as it lives in both of our hearts.


Josh Fairhead Mon 21 Jun 2021 10:57PM

Thanks for signalling this Ronen, she mentioned so in Gronigen the other week. She expressed similar about her available time/slack but I had a sense that something wasnt fully expressed; I'm not sure and have no way of knowing, but I thought I'd express that I felt sense of hesitancy her side when we talked about it. I would welcome her to join us none the less.


Ronen Hirsch Sun 1 Aug 2021 9:09AM

Maija reached out to me and we had a 2nd conversation. It took place in my morning, on the same day of Gathering 14 with Jennifer & Robert. That coinciding made the day feel special.

When Maija reached out to me I was pleased and genuinely surprised. The feeling of surprise indicated to me that I indeed was not attached to any outcomes from the initial conversation with her. In our first conversation, I conveyed to her that I wanted to extend the invitation, but that I was leaving it in her hands, that I would not be doing any more inquiring and prodding, that it was up to her if we ever speak again.

I did not make any assumptions about what was on her mind, and was curious about what prompted her to ask to speak again.

As Josh predicted, the issue of low entry/exit costs came up. I replied that the only way to really tend to her questions and doubts was to try and see what experiences arise for her and for everyone else in the crew. I felt and feel confident that the foundations that have arisen between us, create good conditions for this kind of exploration.

I offered and Maija accepted that we speak again after I return to Romania. Now that the generative process is available and shareable, I feel that it may be a good "entry experience". So I'm going to share it with her and we'll see where that leads us.

Also, since some time has passed, and now Jennifer & Robert are amongst us, I want to ask everyone to review our conversation about inviting someone in and to reconsider our conclusions.


Alex Rodriguez Sun 1 Aug 2021 12:50PM

Thanks for the update, Ronen.

I've looked back through this thread as you requested. This conversation was on my mind at the end of our conversation with @Robert Damashek and @Jennifer Damashek which is why I didn't immediately suggest that they join us here in Loomio/Discord; that said, I was relieved when the suggestion arose swiftly and spontaneously anyway. In other words, trusting that it felt right at this point without having to get too "policy-y" about it, while still attending to the policy-like implications of our choices.

I feel similarly about the invitation to Maija. I'm glad that we're having these conversations about tending to the boundaries of the group while also stretching ourselves towards growth. The process that is unfolding feels trustworthy. Also, I would be more than happy to speak with Maija as well if a conversation with another person in the crew would be supportive to the process.

One thing I would like for us to offer to Maija in the context of "trying and seeing" would be an invitation to ask for what she needs in order to create an experimental container with us that works for her. That could be one way to address the "entry/exit cost" issue directly. But as always, I trust the process and trust @Ronen Hirsch to hold this piece however feels right to him.


Toni Blanco Sun 1 Aug 2021 3:12PM

Same here :-)


Jennifer Damashek Sun 1 Aug 2021 5:55PM

I had read through this thread before our conversation on the 29th. I just read it through again. I think it's a remarkable coincidence that Maija reached out to Ronen on the same day that Robert and I had the meeting with you. I feel I need to be more grounded with all of you to say anything else right now, other than I trust you and whatever process unfolds.


Ronen Hirsch Sun 1 Aug 2021 6:09PM

Thank you Alex, I will extend to Maija the invitation to speak with you during my next conversation with her.

Item removed


Poll Created Fri 13 Aug 2021 8:29AM

Revisiting Money Closed Mon 16 Aug 2021 8:02AM

This comment is a meta-response to the lengthy comment @Jennifer Damashek left in the Crews card on C1

In my mind and heart numerous valuable things are manifesting through this interaction (that started on Discord and moved to C1):

  • Our "collective being" is shifting with the presence of new beings (Jennifer & Robert) and new ideas they carry with them

  • There are notions/ideas/assumptions that have been addressed before Jennifer & Robert joined that they were not around to experience.

  • A single word in the generative process bridges to so much potential resonance (past experiences, wishes, potential, resources, etc.)

  • There is a movement that includes both embodied personal experience (I experienced some anxiety reading Jennifer's comment) and ideation.

  • Just as the recognition arose that the cycle may be coming to an end, this weak center suddenly surfaces and seems to be asking for attention ... with ripples that extend into the personal nature of the crew, the generative sequence, the practice spaces that may emerge from our work and whatever future relationship awaits us with finance and money.

I feel a calling to do, in the present moment and within our extended body, some personal and ideological revisiting of the money conversation we had a while back.

My initial response in reading Jennifer's comment was that I prefer to do this in conversation and not in writing. I could see a dyad with Jennifer and I could also see a full (and extended) gathering to address this issue in a wholesome way. With that in mind, I would like to offer these options.


Results Option % of points Voters
I think it is a good idea for Jennifer & Ronen to first have a dyad and then see where that takes us 40.0% 4 RH JF JD RD
This is definitely a subject for the crew to address together in a dedicated gathering. 40.0% 4 TB AR RH JF
I want to partake in this conversation. 20.0% 2 AR RH
I would like to continue to expore this asynchronously in writing. 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

6 of 6 people have participated (100%)

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