Tue 28 Jul 2015 7:44AM

Moving forward with Project.OpenMandriva

RX Robert Xu Public Seen by 499

As we begin to find ways to manage the Cooker project better, we have looked to consolidate our infrastructure and have all our information in one place so that we can work as efficiently as possible. Our main goal is better project management tools, and Infra has looked into them to determine which have the project features we need and utilise.

We have come down to the following two as a result:

  • JIRA: Proprietary, Atlassian, Qt Project & others use it.
  • OpenProject: Open Source, finnlabs, we are currently using this.

We have taken into account the usability of both for this proposal.


JIRA is proprietary and maintained by Atlassian, and we should be eligible for an open source license. It would allow us to consolidate our Bugzilla and our Agile task features into one place, and also provide a support helpdesk among other features. We have the option for Atlassian to host it for us, which may help infrastructure costs.

OpenProject is open source and maintained by finnlabs, and is rapidly improving. It is based off of Redmine, which provides a familiar feel to many open source enthusiasts. We can consolidate Bugzilla and utilise its kanban board to create strategies.

Tuleap: to be assessed.


JIRA Is proprietary. This means we do not have as much flexibility as we can when working with an open source project. Additionally, this means that we may have to adapt our workflow to accommodate JIRA.

OpenProject has been slow at releasing new features, and its instances, while it has gotten better, have occasionally broken and caused problems for us. We are also maintaining our own configuration for it that is no longer supported because it provides the flexibility we need.

Tuleap: to be assessed.


These summaries can be updated with any new information as necessary. I will try to procure a test instance of all these systems that members can play around with so they know what they may be working with.

Barring extenuating circumstances, voting will begin after test instances are available, and close one week afterwards.


Please let us know what you think.


Raphaël Jadot Sun 1 Nov 2015 2:43PM

I see that some people prefer to use trello for managing some specific projects. Maybe a tool with kanban would be good.

Then I'd like to add Phabricator in the list of alternatives (maybe taiga could be added as well)

Phabricator also has the advantage to be Persona compatible.


Robert Xu Sun 1 Nov 2015 4:13PM

OpenProject has Kanban now. It's also more powerful than Trello's because it also allows grouping horizontally.

Phabricator can be added, so we gotta see.


Olivier Bézie Wed 18 Nov 2015 5:17PM

I would like to give OpenProject a try with the bugzilla improvement project proposed in Krakow and discussed in IRC 2 weeks ago. Anyone could guide me on creating the project/subproject at the right place?


Robert Xu Wed 18 Nov 2015 8:54PM

@olivier4 I think I need to add permissions to people to do that, so give me a bit and I'll get on that.


Robert Xu Thu 19 Nov 2015 12:10AM

@olivier4 I've added you to the Sandbox - from there, you should be able to create any subproject and manage it however you'd like. If you need any help, let me know!