Fri 1 May 2020 8:09PM


MC Michelle Calabro Public Seen by 21

This is where we will discuss Expiry, in order to create AUDIT QUESTIONS around Expiry in contact tracing apps. We will also discuss CONTACT TRACING BEST PRACTICES around expiry.

Regarding the data collected by contact tracing apps:

  • Does it expire and get deleted?

  • Does this happen automatically?

  • What is a reasonable amount of time after which the data should expire?



Ryan Carrier Thu 7 May 2020 8:39PM

Well worded


Ryan Carrier Mon 11 May 2020 3:28AM

We ought to consider EXPIRY for the whole pandemic? When and how shall the tracing entity call an "end to the need for the program". Like many programs of governments and large entities, ending them often proves VERY difficult. Thoughts?


Aaron Maxwell Mon 11 May 2020 5:20PM

This has to be built right into the Contact Tracing mandate from the very beginning. The ethics discussion will be curtailed on the grounds of public safety: right or wrong, we need to be able to quickly determine who has it so they can minimize their contact with everyone else. I'm willing to participate because I see the devastation, and I currently trust all three levels of my government. If they abuse my trust and keep this thing running after the pandemic is over? I'm never participating again, and will actively resist in the future.


Ryan Carrier Thu 14 May 2020 3:34PM

@Michelle Calabro @Ryan Eagan @Shea Brown @Aaron Maxwell On the question of termination of the whole tracing program, Shea's suggestion will likely replace the current proposal, as you are all correct. Loomio is teaching me currently how to take the proposal and "work it" to develop the right solutions, which I will do shortly 

"Do you have a well defined and unambiguous procedure for determining when to terminate the contact tracing system (Yes/No)


Shea Brown Thu 14 May 2020 3:51PM

It's not easy to get this process right, but I appreciate your diligence in keeping things clear and on-point!