
Loomio and Babel

JVO Jan Van Opstal Public Seen by 375

Some of us have difficulties with the language barrier....
Let's discuss alternative's

Certains d'entre nous ont des difficultés avec la barrière de la langue...
Discutons d'une alternative.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 22 Sep 2016 12:06PM

Wherever it's possible (without spamming) : Loomio, Facebook, Twitter, the next PirateLab, your crew's communication channel if it has etc.
And a place where the candidate-translators can discuss it concretely (I suggest here on Loomio, not in one of the 3 levels but in this group


Jan Van Opstal Thu 22 Sep 2016 12:29PM

I will make a Facebook request later on. I do not have much twitter experience, and do not know how to reach Belgium Pirates on that platform, I will place it on the agenda of the next piratelab. But I am not shure if I will attend. (i would if there would be a videoconfering...)

Varia has only 6 members.... and the drafting zone looks like a good democratic pirate lab for this because it has everything todo with making the next GA communications as optimum as possible...


Sandrine Debatty Thu 22 Sep 2016 12:22PM

Moi je suis candidate pour traduire à l'écrit anglais et néerlandais vers le français (mais il me faudra un peu d'aide parfois d'un néerlandophone). Ceci ne règlera que le problème de l'information, pas de la discussion.


Damiens ROBERT Thu 22 Sep 2016 2:34PM

I actually share Vincent's opinion.


Jan Van Opstal Thu 22 Sep 2016 4:25PM

??? Are their no text on Loomio who needs translation? Will there be no discussions in the GA who needs to be translated?


Vincent Thu 22 Sep 2016 4:32PM

Yes, there are texts, @vanecx 's post explain betters what I ment.


Jan Van Opstal Thu 22 Sep 2016 5:34PM

with a general link like you give me above....that is not very helpful .... can you point more exactly?


Vincent Thu 22 Sep 2016 7:45PM

Sorry, it's the comment above:

"the best result you can expect doing that way is to have a proposition decided (voted) at the GA. Which doesn't help you in what you probably want to achieve...
If you want people working on translation for this GA, just make a call to candidates."


Sandrine Debatty Thu 22 Sep 2016 5:22PM

Je ne comprends pas où est le problème, quelqu'un peut-il m'expliquer?


Jan Van Opstal Thu 22 Sep 2016 9:12PM

Do I want this? ( yes, but personally I have no need on this ) Do the Pirates want this..? I am only assuming, but I look for confirmation. (voting) and drafting because if enough are willing, then it has to be realised. And this platform is in the same time a registration. So it is transparant working together.

I did open this threat as a proposition for resolving a Pirate problem. As some of us are thinking about Loomio as permanent assembly, I already see it as a general way of testing how direct democracy should work.

One has a solution for needs of the community.... he makes a proposal... if enough people endorse that proposal, it can be realised.... Stay's the question who pays.... But as for this moment it is all based on good-will... money doesn't matter....

So dear fellow Pirates, make up your mind... Change your opinion or take care of the problem....

And please help..... take care.... we are facing trouble waters...
and GOOD communication is of primal importance...


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