Mon 1 Jun 2020 3:48PM

What is the central demand / issue for the next Action Day?

H Hans Public Seen by 12

We want to discuss here what the central demand / issue is on which we should base our campaign for the next Action Day.

Therefore, we collect the input from NGOs working on the Aegean Islands here.


Hans Wed 3 Jun 2020 11:40AM

clarity/commentary on ‘reported’ push-backs

Target: Frontex


Hans Wed 3 Jun 2020 11:40AM

Comment on clear ‘segregation’ in COVID restrictions (locals/camp residents)

Yvla and/or LIBE group


Rachel Husson Mon 8 Jun 2020 9:21AM

Stand by me Lesvos' point of view on that was to emphasize the intensity of the consequences the lockdown had/has on hotspots (especially in comparison with locals). Eg. lack of access to food and water, overcrowding (so no safety distance), waste management issues, raising of violence, etc


Hans Thu 4 Jun 2020 10:25AM

quicker asylum application rejections


Poll Created Thu 4 Jun 2020 11:01AM

Now is the time for major change Closed Sun 7 Jun 2020 10:04AM

Covid has laid bare how f****** the 'normal' that we are living in was. After this pandemic there is no going back. Why? Because policies that before the pandemic were considered naive and utopian are now being put into practice. Think basic income, think regularization of undocumented immigrants in Portugal, etc. The solutions are on the table, let's make them known, let's put them into practice.

I think our message should be bold and big. After covid, this BS ends.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 33.3% 1 NM
Abstain 33.3% 1 JW
Disagree 33.3% 1 H
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 M

3 of 4 people have participated (75%)


Jacob Warn
Fri 5 Jun 2020 9:15AM

I think this is less a demand than a belief... there's no 'direct response' that can come out of this...


Fri 5 Jun 2020 4:49PM

It is unclear to me what the solution on the table would be.

I would maybe turn it around. How Covid-19 is an excuse to make things worse
- segregation of refugees and Greek
- policies and paperwork put on top of ngos