Tue 30 Apr 2019 6:10AM

EarthArXiv social media

D David Public Seen by 202

Hey all!

We have been gaining loads of supporters/followers on Twitter since EarthArXiv launched not so long ago. This is great as it engages with the people, and gives exposition to their uploads.

In my opinion, one of the key elements to continue to grow and get people excited is a real, human interaction on the account, as well as promotion via “themes”, and the announcement of each accepted upload. For example, in the weeks coming, we’ll do a :series: on “successful preprint stories”, where we will be posting several examples I’ve been gathering on how various users have benefited from using preprints.

We have recently passed the milestone of 750 preprints. And once we reach 1000 uploaded preprints, I would like to hand over the Twitter responsibilities to any volunteer :)
You will see it is a fun activity which I am sure you will enjoy as much as I did.

Next, I am looking forward to continuing to support our EA community on many other topics, as an advisor or in other ways!

Please let me know if you are interested in taking over, so I can show you into it!



Evan Goldstein Wed 8 May 2019 12:28PM

I agree with @pabloampuero — we could have an email or '1-pager' to help motivate authors (i know PeerJ has a checklist they send to authors suggesting they tweet, etc.)... At the very lease we can put this on the website, with some nice examples of tweets from @geoda ... I started a document here. If anyone has specific tweets they like we can embed on the website..


David Sat 25 May 2019 7:57AM

Busy times, so sorry for the late response, and thanks everyone for the support!
I think we're commenting on two different topics, council rotation and twitter handling, and opening 2 different paths for the latter, management by new volunteers and self-management by us as a community.

First, I'll be happy to prepare a text with @danielibarra to send to the ambassador list for the social media volunteer(s) - basically, cleaning and perhaps making my texts above less overwhelming will suffice.

Second, I think the ideas by @pabloampuero and @ebgoldstein for helping authors in their twitter announcements, hence "out-sourcing" our own efforts are great. :nerd:

Thirdly, although I think that these actions will help exchanges and raise the profile of twitter discussion on preprints, my take is that we should still have some "appointment" of ideally more than one "social manager" to sustain the social activity. Otherwise we risk low activity despite good guidance.

And finally, I think it makes sense to keep have the council and rotate the other half, although I'm not part of the council, so who am I to say? :thinking: