
Inbox semi-private beta release

RG Robert Guthrie Public Seen by 32

Our inbox feature is now running on production. We welcome you to try it out by visiting https://www.loomio.org/inbox

What do you think? As we get the kinks sorted we'll include a link in the top nav bar and remove new discussion and comment notifications from the notifications drop down.


Richard D. Bartlett Fri 28 Jun 2013 8:23AM

Here's a first stab at smallifying it


Jon Lemmon Fri 28 Jun 2013 8:28AM

I'd be interested in killing the dashboard (replacing it with inbox for now) and then rethinking it as something completely different.


Joshua Vial Fri 28 Jun 2013 11:15AM

are the counts meant to be number of unread messages or number of messages in the thread? Either way I think they are out most of the time for me


Robert Guthrie Fri 28 Jun 2013 9:52PM

I'll fix the unread counts today and maybe have a stab a thing that shows recent but read stuff as another page with another name


Robert Guthrie Fri 28 Jun 2013 9:59PM

@richarddbartlett If you're thinking about making inbox a dropdown.. then think WIDE! I've been wanting to prototype a full width dropdown with both inbox and notifications in it.


Richard D. Bartlett Fri 28 Jun 2013 11:40PM

@robertguthrie if we combine notifications and inbox, can we keep it all discussion centric (as opposed to the current notification system which is event centric)?

I keep coming back to the idea that the notification (and/or inbox) dropdown should be the primary means of navigation through the site, so I want one list item per page.

I'm imagining a list of discussions with new activity, with icons denoting new comments, votes, likes, and mentions.


Robert Guthrie Sat 29 Jun 2013 2:44AM

Yea I'm really into a sidebar discussion navigation.

It would look like an email client with a left nav and a dropdown at the top to choose from:

  • Inbox - just new and pinned
  • Activity - the activity feed view
  • Group you belong to - everything in this group
  • Another group - ya again

We could also put the search input field up there and display search results as a panel too.

btw.. The activity feed/notifications view of things is still useful.. and a nice way to explore your information.. we're just sick of it right now.


Alanna Irving Mon 1 Jul 2013 6:53AM

Just want to share my inbox story from today...

THANK YOU for this feature! Today was really pressured and I had to carefully manage my time. So much of my work has Loomio at its critical centre... and by using inbox, I was able to zero in on the important discussions and groups I needed to focus on today, while remaining confident the rest would stay in my inbox until I had a chance to get to them. Last week this wouldn't have been possible and my day would have been much more stressful.

I hope you all know that there are dozens and dozens of groups that really rely on Loomio for what they are trying to do in the world and wouldn't function without it, and every single improvement you make with all your hard work makes a very real, tangible difference to people's lives. It can be the difference between getting the job done, and not. ...and many of the jobs that are being done are having a positive impact in the world.

So yeah, it might seem mundane to some people, but it really matters to me and I'm eternally grateful.


Aija Zvidrina Sun 7 Jul 2013 11:06AM

*It should be made clear that the items on the list are only unread items as I had to read through all the comments to understand that :)

*I have suggested this by email for group page (https://www.loomio.org/discussions/5075) so maybe it is not so relevant here, but as a new member I would like to know what each column means - I can guess, the title one, but is the date column - date created or date modified? Also maybe we could keep it consistent with Groups page and have both of them either having a date e.g. '3 Jul' or '4 days ago'.

*I wonder whether 'X' as 'Mark as read' is the best icon as mainly associated as close/delete. Then again if it is clearly stated 'Unread discussions only inbox' maybe it makes sense.

*Would be good to introduce pagination with a number of items per page (20-30?). When you are a new member to a group that has existed for a while, all discussions will be unread and the list gets quite 'scrollable'.

*Dropdown where you could choose one group only might help for previous point as well. Maybe choices like 'View all', 'Group1', 'Group2'...Again thinking about new members to more than one group.


Aija Zvidrina Sun 7 Jul 2013 11:13AM

Oh, and I wish I would have known that I need to Enable 'Text formatting' so you can see my bullet points as actual points :)

Also I cannot wait when this will be added to the top nav bar so I do not have look for this discussion every time I want to access it.

*My 2 cents about current Notifications - might be worth keeping it for now if I understood it correctly and it is planned to be removed.

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