Mon 12 Jun 2023 7:57PM

Importance of Housing Diversity

MT Madeline Tripp Public Seen by 31

Do you think that housing diversity (including affordability, size, & type of housing) is important in maintaining or improving your community? Why? Or why not?


douglas babkirk Tue 13 Jun 2023 11:04PM

Yes, because in diversity there is greater opportunity to learn from others whose life circumstances may be different from ours and add value to our sense of community.


Kevin Justh Tue 20 Jun 2023 7:30PM

@douglas babkirk Appreciate this comment, thank you!

Item removed


Kevin Justh Tue 20 Jun 2023 7:30PM

@Jen Thanks for your well thought out and nuanced comment!


Mylan Cohen Mon 26 Jun 2023 11:55PM

Yes, diversity enriches any community.


Al Romano Mon 7 Aug 2023 7:55PM

I think there's a lot of subjectivity in the question. What does it mean to "improve" a community? I'd expect a lot of different answers. I don't have a definitive answer to this question. Our current zoning allows and restricts the types of housing that can be built in Cape Elizabeth. No matter the zoning, a developer/builder will need to make money, and there will be demand for the structure.