Wed 4 Jan 2017 8:57AM

Hello 2017, you doing anything after work?

YU Yegwa Ukpo Public Seen by 25

Happy new year everyone!

2017 is here and shaping up to be one heck of a follow-up to 2016.

I personally have a whole bunch of interesting things lined up to keep me busy and productive and I thought we could and should use this thread to share the things we are all working on and how they take advantage of post-capitalist and new economic frameworks and thinking.

Feel free to share resources that are proving useful in your own spheres, links to things you are working on or have completed, push your related events and products, use Dyads!

I really believe that now is the time to begin planting the seeds of transition to a more people-focused, open and sustainable socioeconomic paradigm and The Dyad Network is about bringing all that together.

So to start:

I am working with @lindabembatoum and @olamideudomaejorh on an urban agriculture project called 100 Farms. The idea is to create a commons for urban agriculture and food supply that sits alongside a decentralised network of farms producing a range of produce. I am pretty excited about what we can do in the "food" space. I should be setting up a temp site somewhere at some point and I have already set up a Loomio group for it (of course it will be run democratically and be owned by the founders, workers and customers) and I am currently putting together some organisation design docs together. Once we get off the ground, it will be possible to get our open source designs for greenhouse set ups and more (apiaries, rooftop gardens etc!) to use in other farming projects as long as users contribute back to the commons.

I am also working with @adunokupe @osioneitegboje and @oromacookeygam on Sunless which I am envisioning as a platform for the creation of "High concept, well considered, simple and sustainably produced design objects made by exploring materials and techniques found and developed in Nigeria."

“We need to make things ourselves; we need to make less of it by making the right things; and we need to get more out of what we do make by connecting things together into shared commons.” - Paul Hartzog

Make. Less. More.

Sunless is a major aspect of what I want to do with Stranger this year and I hope I can pull it off.

Finally, there is an idea I have for The Dyad Network that could be pretty interesting. I doubt I will be able to devote a lot of time to it, but I also hope that I won't have to if things go well. I will get into that in a separate thread sha since it is under the Network itself.

I hope there will be more things and that these projects will come to fruition in one way or another.

Let's see your projects guys!


Tunji Lana Thu 12 Jan 2017 6:44AM

Great insight...I'd certainly explore the possibilities


Osione Itegboje Wed 4 Jan 2017 5:26PM

What's the next step with sunless? Also have you heard of Songhai farms? My pops is really interested in sustainable farming combined with integrated living, any way we can rope him in?


Yegwa Ukpo Thu 5 Jan 2017 7:00AM

@osioneitegboje - Next step for Sunless is to finalise the org structure (responsibilities, user funding & member responsibilities, requirements for starting etc) & proposal so one can pitch.

Yup! Heard about Songhai and going to get some info from them for sure (also interested in their seeds library). Part of planning & research phase (also heard that their installations here are not as successful as the one outside I know of, so I am curious about whether that is true, and if it is, why.)

Once I have finished putting together and compiling the various docs (org design, cash flow templates and calculators, our farm design library and so on), we can definitely bring your dad onboard! Will be more tangible as a program he can be part of and either use our info packs to set up his own farm(s) and connect to the 100 Farms framework or have us set up one for him.


Osione Itegboje Fri 6 Jan 2017 6:51PM

Excellent. I've heard there's a Songhai in Phc and my aunt was just telling that it's as "good" because of "government". I didn't prod but she added that the "policy landscape" in Benin 🇧🇯 is a reason for the success there.

Are you considering any existing or potential policies here that may be relevant to the 100 farms initiative?


Yegwa Ukpo Sat 7 Jan 2017 4:21AM

@osioneitegboje Part of our business planning is definitely going to take into account any government policies that will be beneficial (or disadvantageous) to the initiative, but to be honest, I am really trying to avoid government input or dependencies as much as is humanly possible.

Beyond ensuring that we can pay our taxes on time, we don't break any laws (regulations regarding agriculture in city environments is something I am looking into - if you know anybody I could talk to that would be amazing!), and we can take advantage of any tax breaks with regards to output or importing/exporting, I don't think we require much from the government.

I believe Songhai operates as a traditional not-for profit in that it depends on donations and direct financial support from government. There are quite a few Songhai farms in Nigeria - including one in my state I will be going to visit soon and even in Lagos apparently - but like most initiatives that involve government buy-in, lack of interest and corruption have sabotaged them. I also believe that Songhai's model is primarily focused on experimentation and skills acquisition, I am not sure what (if they have one at all) their commercial model is.


Osione Itegboje Sat 7 Jan 2017 12:00PM

I'll connect you with Irede, who's at the ministry of Agric. Great guy.


Aikomo Opemipo Tue 10 Jan 2017 6:39PM

I've had a couple of conversations around agriculture before, and the biggest problems in agriculture seem to be around transport and particularly storage.


Yegwa Ukpo Tue 10 Jan 2017 10:45PM

Hi @aikomoopemipo and welcome to the Dyad Network :).

You are right that logistics and storage are major problems plaguing agriculture here and everywhere else really. These two issues are partly solved inherently due to the model we are using for most of the farms in the 100 Farms framework.

Transportation issues are reduced or eliminated completely when one is farming close to or right at the point of sale (local urban neighbourhood or close to urban centre where shops and restaurants are) and that is exactly what we want to do with this idea of taking the farm to the place where it should produce is needed.

Secondly, storage is also not as much of an issue since we are planning on using a system of customer stakeholding and preorders to immediately match yield with demand, only growing as required based on purchase. The kinks and specifics are being ironed out, but we will be putting up the business plan, along with the designs for the various modular farms we are designing on the 100 Farms repository and it will be available via a copyfair license (copyfair instead of copyright meaning that our designs will be in the open source domain, and available for free for not-for-profit and/or profit-focused use as long as any edits are also made available via copyfair and advancements are shared; profit oriented private or public companies will need to pay a fee) so hopefully the model will propagate.

The idea is to rethink, redesign and reposition farming methodology to be more sustainable (environmentally and financially), empowering (via democratic decision making, ownership and community structures), a source of food commons (food as a commons instead of a commodity!) in urban environments.


Lyall Wed 11 Jan 2017 12:48PM

@yegwaukpo We built some basic hydroponics systems, the plans for which I could share with you. Also check out http://farmlondon.weebly.com/ co-founder Paul Smyth is indirectly part of the MLN network.

To your original post:

I am launching a utilitarian furniture label called Meta. We are working on a platform for collective ownership but as of yet do not have an appropriate model.
Any suggestions or rough frameworks would be appreciated - www.meta.thingking.co.za

I am interested in how people engage with the idea of the future and how we might remain optimistic (also about acknowledging the good in ‘now’). Art is arguably almost always created with the intention of influencing the future so I have tentatively signed on to create a mid-year exhibition that discusses/ gathers feedback on some of these ideas. Increasingly I am beginning to wonder whether the way in which the works are created is a prototype or ‘testing’ of collaborative platforms that showcase new ways of thinking about making things.

The value of personal myths; the possibility of creating new sacred rituals out of contemporary life/artefacts and a general endorsement of agnostic approaches (which balances opposing outlooks), will all come into the project in some way. I will be looking for individuals whose works speak to some of these ideas.


Yegwa Ukpo Wed 11 Jan 2017 2:17PM

@lyall have you checked out Fairshares? They have an interesting ownership model that is open source that you might want to check out. Enspiral also has an interesting model you can check out here which has their agreements doc as part of that.

I have also been very keen on the Open Cooperative framework - i.e. creating not-for-profit worker/customer cooperatives that are focused on the creation of commons. Not sure if this is what you are looking for.

We should continue our conversation regarding personal myth actually. There is an amazing podcast I discovered recently called Gods & Radicals that has quite a bit of old fashioned pagan myth building. This episode in particular was really spine chilling.

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