Welcome to the Translation group - Introductions thread.

Welcome to the Loomio Translation group. Please introduce yourself and feel free to mention @robertguthrie if you'd like some help getting started.

Robert Guthrie Sat 28 Sep 2019 10:13AM
Hi @Pedro Gomes, thanks for joining the Loomio Translation group. Please reach out to me if you need any help or have any questions.

Robert Guthrie Sun 5 May 2019 3:13AM
Hi Øyvind, how's your loomio use going? Are you aware of https://talk.theborderland.se/?
Øyvind Dahl Mon 24 Sep 2018 11:46AM
Hi peoples
My name is Øyvind and I have started using Loomio on two different projects and I love it. Just what we need to organize a small festival and a collective with artists. I am based in Oslo and Tromsø and have started translating Loomio to Norwegian. Looking forward to the effects of using such a nice tool and exiting Facebook for good.

Robert Guthrie Tue 28 Nov 2017 7:23PM
Hi @marcogiustini and @nasiruddin nice to have you join the group. Are you interested in helping to translate Loomio? If so, which languages would you like to help out with?

Nathalia Scherer Thu 23 Nov 2017 8:13PM
Hey Rob, my pleasure! Now that Rich and Nati are in Brazil I thought it would be great to have the translation ready. Just started working on it, it's almost meditative.
Also, pretty cool to learn about transifex, nice tool!

Robert Guthrie Thu 23 Nov 2017 7:56PM
Hi @nathaliascherer thanks for joining in! Please feel free to ask any questions you have. We'd love support with Portuguese which is currently sitting at about 50% translated.
The translation guide is here but please do ask questions and I'll try to improve it.
Thanks again for your support, we appreciate it very much!

Robert Guthrie Mon 30 Oct 2017 10:51PM
Welcome to the group @christophthelen1. Thanks for your contributions so far!

Robert Guthrie Mon 30 Oct 2017 8:03PM
Hi @leosammallahti. Thanks for joining the group - great to have you here. Please let me know if you need any help or direction.

Pau Fri 28 Jul 2017 3:05PM
My name is Paula and I am an engineer and a translator. I am very happy to have found a tool like Loomio and such a great organization, and I hope to help in making it grow!
Marco Giustini · Fri 24 Sep 2021 9:51AM
@Rob Guthrie Is the /marketing section on Transifex no longer active? How do you translate the texts on the home page?