Fri 3 Mar 2017 3:55PM


VJ Victoria Jenkins Public Seen by 355

Hi Guys there is a £200 pot of money we can ask for for outreach if we come up with some innovative ideas. I asked other groups what they are planning one is going to do a marquee with soup. Another are planning to do art in community centres. We are planning some street stalls. No other ideas in my full head at the moment. Post if you have an idea.


Ludi Simpson Sat 4 Mar 2017 12:22AM

How about a street stall with a pot of soup in the closest residential area to Kala Sangam - the bottom of Barkerend, with flyers about the event either to give out at the stall, or if there is nowhere busy the stall can be the base from which others go knocking door to door. Decide date and recruit people at the training on 21st March? I cant be at the training but happy to make soup.