Wed 30 Nov 2016 9:40PM

Welcome! Please introduce yourself

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Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.

What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?


Frederik Vincx Thu 1 Dec 2016 10:05PM


I'd like to help to make ideas happen.

Where I come from?

I'm a creative/designer turned entrepreneur from Brussels. I just sold my stake in my company (www.prezly.com) and am now looking for new challenges.

My main skills are facilitation, visualization, design, marketing, and creating products that people want (and want to open their wallet for).

How I want to help?
I'd like to facilitate the group. Let's turn blahblahblah meetings into actionable meetings, and let's have efficient ways to share and document ideas. I'd propose to be the visual scribe and facilitator for upcoming real life meetings.

If the community wants to make ideas happen, I'd like to lend my advice about the steps to take. I'd help with the business model and the marketing channels. And maybe with formatting and presenting the idea to the open-source community if applicable.

I'd also like to inspire the Brussels Together community with real life problems in Brussels. I'm taking the coming year to do one-month internships in local non-profit organizations to uncover areas of improvement, and to make prototypes to inspire the community to take action. Right now I'm working in a primary school in Sint-Joost-ten-Node.

Looking forward to our next meeting. (And my first)

Attached is a visual of how a visualized an entrepreneurship event last weekend.
That was fun.



Alaric Bouvy Tue 6 Dec 2016 2:30PM

Hello :-)

I'm a young entrepreneur who wants to do his part. I hold a project called Womer for which we have an opencollective (https://opencollective.com/womer) and a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Womer.commerce/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel).

Why I'm in this group?

I seek help/collaboration for my project and I would help other projects in return.

How I can help?

I would like to participate to brainstorming or ideation sessions if needed ;-) I could also share my contacts if relevant.

Hope to see you soon !