
Rearranging things for 2017

JB Jo Booth Public Seen by 406

I've been asked by the Exec to run a broom through the loomio and get things geared up for the 2017 election, so thought I'd start here with a smaller group and let you know what we're proposing.

At present the idea is to go through the existing threads and move many of them to a 2014-2016 archive.. leaving the ones that fit into the new structure into the right slots there..

  • policy portfolio threads - our main policy areas
  • general chat - add a section for general threads (like this one
  • enquiries - public questions and answers.
  • research - people working on finding answers
  • OSINT/news - things of interest to the party.

I also propose some areas will be public, some members only, some exec and some for candidates or IP staff - to keep audiences focused and efficient.

Keen to hear feedback.


Jo Booth Thu 1 Jun 2017 4:20AM

Hey @johngrant thanks for offer of help. We're just about to launch our new site - and yes, it'll be committed to GitHub too. I'd love your input into this - so pop over to https://GitHub.com/IPnz - it'll be there's soon. We have a riot.im chatroom for tech related project and discussion - say hi in https://matrix.to/#/#IPnz:matrix.org and I'll add you.