Fri 14 Dec 2018 10:57PM

Things we are voting on during the AGM

DG Daymond Goulder-Horobin Public Seen by 66

Hello Everyone

I have opened a number of polls during the Internet Party AGM as this is the best time to vote on key issues.

  • Whether the UN Migration Pact should be signed by New Zealand. Will post a statement on Monday to our Facebook on the outcome of our discussion.

  • Whether the Internet Party should also focus on Legalization of Cannabis as opposed to simply decriminalization.

  • Whether the usage of 1080 in New Zealand should be subject to an Independent Inquiry without DOC interference. I have made this an open poll to see where the current sentiment is. I am open-minded about this. This is something to work out in the long run and thus, I have extended this for awhile.

*Universal Basic Income Check. We voted on this 2014, but I would like to reconfirm the motivation for our building on this idea.

Might extend some of this past the AGM. I am on Discord for most of Saturday and can jump on zoom at any time.

Internet Party Discord - Head up one of our mods to direct you to the party chat. https://discord.gg/b8rGPBS

Our Zoom Links should also be on our discord or in your emails.

-Daymond Goulder-Horobin