Tue 31 Mar 2015 2:57PM

Freelancers Co-operative?

R Rhiannon Public Seen by 148

Hello all, its Rhiannon from AltGen- excited to be introduced to the world of Loomio!

So AltGen is about to come to the end of its year project with Co-ops UK helping young people set up worker co-operatives. Alongside developing and building this network of young co-ops we are setting up a co-operative of Freelancers from different sectors. I know there has been a lot of discussion on a previous thread around co-operative consortia/ LLPs/ worker co-ops for a business of people working together in the same sector. However we are interested in something much broader that provides space, services and mutual support for a wide range of freelancers in the social & creative sphere. We have been looking at the Bread Funds in Holland that provide sick pay for freelancers, Coopaname in France that 'employs' 700 individual people working in different areas and provides them with shared space, accounting legal, status of employee (more beneficial in France than here) and a community that works together and bids for projects. The final model we have been looking at is Smart Belgium an organisation of 60,000 creative freelancers that pay a % of their income for support with legal, admin and invoicing services. We are bringing a version to the UK that combines examples of best practice across Europe. What combination of options do people think would be valuable and viable as a co-op business? What is most relevant to freelancers as well as the co-op values? What do you think would be legally viable in the UK?

Thanks in advance!


Dave Hollings Mon 13 Apr 2015 7:47PM

That is possibly the case as only bencoms are eligible for SITR. However, there would be problems structuring something mainly based on member benefit as a bencom

Of course, if the project were to be financed by share capital not loanstock then we could use (S)EIS which is compatible with both Society forms.




Rhiannon Mon 20 Apr 2015 2:18PM

Hey Mark,

We would be more than happy to share the results of our research with you! We are in the process of writing it up into something useful- this will probably be done by the end of May so will send it to you/ the group then. Do nudge me as a reminder if in case I forget. Thanks for all your help and advice everyone!


Mark Simmonds (Co-op Culture) Mon 20 Apr 2015 2:27PM

Cheers Rhiannon. My email is [email protected] ( [email protected] ) - I don't have yours. Much appreciated.


Graham Fri 10 Jul 2015 2:13PM

Any news on this? Would be great to see the results/findings of this survey, if that's feasible.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Fri 10 Jul 2015 2:39PM

@Graham2 I don't know what plans @rhiannon1 and AltGen have to publish/share, but Co-ops UK is now co-ording some action research led by Alex Bird on co-ops for self-employed workers. Dialogue event on July 17 (i.e. next Friday) in London - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/d/united-kingdom--london/mutual-and-co-operative-solutions/?crt=regular&slat=51.5074&slng=-0.1278&sort=best


Alex Wed 3 Aug 2016 1:08PM

Hey @rhiannon1 where have you got to with this? Really interesting! @sionwhellens any outcomes developments post action research by Alex B?

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Billy Smith Sun 3 Oct 2021 4:39PM

Above comment seems to be spam.

Where do i report this?


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Mon 4 Oct 2021 9:09AM

Thanks Billy, have removed 'Carl Row' from membership


Kate Whittle Mon 4 Oct 2021 8:31AM

I'm not sure how we deal with spam. Try [email protected] or [email protected]