
Change displayed information in #tags view

SVB Steffen van Bergerem Public Seen by 84

There are several issues / feature requests on github affecting the #tags view. Let's discuss and vote which we want to implement/drop.


Flaburgan Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:34PM

Just to inform you, I saw many users doing the confusion between tags they put on their profile and tags they follow. Unfortunately, I don't know the solution to deal with this problem.


Steffen van Bergerem Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:36PM

@jasonrobinson You are. I just wouldn't call it "redesign" but thats nit-picking. If we decide to implement that feature I agree that the design you proposed is the right way to implement it.


Steffen van Bergerem Wed 22 Jan 2014 1:31AM

Another 'solution' just came to my mind. Instead of a list of followers we could add a list "users who tagged a post with #tag".


goob Wed 22 Jan 2014 11:21AM

Instead of a list of followers we could add a list “users who tagged a post with #tag”.

You mean like the thumbnail icons at the top right of the stream, showing people who are active in the stream? That might be doable.


goob Wed 22 Jan 2014 11:26AM

It's difficult to decide how to vote on this.

I'd like to vote against, because I have no use for this feature and think it creates needless complexity and server load. I also dislike leaking personal data unless explicitly permitted by the user.

However some people clearly want it, and if it's done in an opt-in way which means only people who want their avatar on the tag page will have it there, I have no objection in principle.

I still don't think there's any real reason to do that, but as the proposal isn't any more clear about reasons and means to achieve a particular goal, I think I have to abstain.

However, my vote can be considered as a 'no' if implementing any sort of list of tag followers would create extra server load.


Steffen van Bergerem Wed 22 Jan 2014 12:22PM

@flaburgan One of our principles is 'privacy by default' so this definitely has to be opt-in. The idea of this vote was to find out if there is a need for that feature. If thats the case we can think about mockups / implementation details. You and @goob both said that this vote is not specific enough. Do you think we should add more information to the proposal? What is missing? Do we need more time to discuss and vote or should I close this vote and start a new one later?


goob Wed 22 Jan 2014 1:30PM

@steffenvanbergerem If you just mean 'do I personally want this feature?' my vote would be no. If you mean 'do I think this feature should be allowed if enough people want it?' I would have to abstain.


Steffen van Bergerem Wed 22 Jan 2014 9:45PM

The question is "Do you think that enough users want that feature? Is it worth the effort? Should it be allowed?"


Seth Martin Thu 23 Jan 2014 6:27PM

This would be just as confusing as having a number but could be useful if it's clearly stated that list of users is partial and that only users of the same pod that have opted in are shown. I'm doubting that it's worth the effort.


goob Thu 23 Jan 2014 7:18PM

As I don't know how much effort it would take, I'll have to abstain. But my vote can be considered as a strong no if:

  • it would take a lot of work to create and implement this feature, or
  • it would increase server load to run it.

I don't think it really adds anything useful, so unless it would be really easy to implement and make no difference to pod performance, I don't think we should attempt it.

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