
Change displayed information in #tags view

SVB Steffen van Bergerem Public Seen by 84

There are several issues / feature requests on github affecting the #tags view. Let's discuss and vote which we want to implement/drop.


Florian Staudacher
Sat 25 Jan 2014 12:21PM

if we really do that, we'll have to make it more clear that those are local users


Mon 27 Jan 2014 12:10AM

Privacy is my primary concern so until I have strong guarantee this feature is opt-in, I can't totally back it for now. Also I don't really need it since I mostly interact with people inside posts--but that's just my way.


FÁBIÁN Tamás László
Mon 27 Jan 2014 8:59AM

I think it'd be a privacy issue.


Karthikeyan A K Tue 21 Jan 2014 2:45AM

Okay but if I follow a tag tag and don't want to be visible, that option must be present.


lebarjack Tue 21 Jan 2014 7:38AM

Configurability doesn't always imply the code complexity. And speaking of federation, I'm not sure this will be a problem if we stick to the profiles which have already been pushed on the pod and the local profiles.


goob Tue 21 Jan 2014 12:23PM

@lebarjack, if someone who follows a tag wants to be found by others who share the same interest, they can add that tag to the 'describe yourself in 5 words' field in profile settings. Then they will appear in the list of people on the tag's page.

@steffenvanbergerem, what factors/issues are we meant to be considering in this vote, if not privacy?


Steffen van Bergerem Tue 21 Jan 2014 1:30PM

@goob Privacy is IMO in this case not an issue because one could (should) make this feature optional. What should be decided is: do we need it? When we implement it there will be more code complexity and we would have to put the setting somewhere. Should the user be able to decide for each tag if he/she would like to make the tag following public or should there be a setting which decides that for all tags? Do we want to share that information across pods or do we just show a list of users who follow a tag on your own pod?

As a user I don't want to use that feature (because of privacy issues) so I think that all that effort is not necessary. Thats the reason why I voted against that feature.


lebarjack Tue 21 Jan 2014 1:33PM

@Goob You have a point with the privacy problem that can occur, but I do think that those 5 tags are not really adapted to the goal of making easier to find new friendly contacts.

Of course, every one interested in a topic will probably make a public post on this topic at some point, and will end up being findable by searching for the tag. Maybe it's sufficient.


Steffen van Bergerem Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:18PM

@jasonrobinson There is no such feature yet and I did not add anything about the design in the proposal so there is no need for a redesign.


Jason Robinson Tue 21 Jan 2014 10:23PM

@steffenvanbergerem I believe I am entitled to cite my opinion whatever the vote is about ;)

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