Sun 9 Nov 2014 12:34AM

How could we get there?

PS Peter Schurman Public Seen by 40

In another thread, David Elsbree Jr., wrote: "If we could pool the Western democracies into a single nation, I think that would create great momentum." That's one possible path. What path do you think would make sense?


Noah Skocilich Sun 11 Oct 2015 1:49AM

That is a great idea Austin, and one that rings deeply true to me.

Here are a few organizations and groups that I know of that I think match that description:

Daniel Pinchbeck's Center for Planetary Culture

New Earth Nation

Planetary Art Network

Institute for Social Ecology


Austin Mackell Mon 12 Oct 2015 12:24AM

World Citizens Association Of Australia
http://worldcitizens.org.au/ ( http://worldcitizens.org.au/ )
Contact: Dr Chris Hamer - [email protected] ( [email protected] )

NOTE: I know these guys will have contacts for other World Citizens and Global Federalist orgs.

Campaign For A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

http://www.unpacampaign.org/ ( http://www.unpacampaign.org/ )
Contact: Andreas Bummel - [email protected] ( [email protected] )

The World Parliament Experiment (Formerly The Global Democracy Experiment)

http://www.tgde.org/ ( http://www.tgde.org/ )

Contact: Dr. Rasmus Tenbergen - [email protected] ( [email protected] )

Is there an integrated spreadsheet function we could be using with Loomio?


Barnaby Flynn Mon 12 Oct 2015 5:44AM

This is one way. Please join us:

Press Release

Real Global Democracy Demonstration – Uniting and empowering anti-austerity, pro-democracy movements through co-creating global policy.

For immediate release: (12/10/2015) until (16/10/2015)

Photo opportunity. Location and Date: Parliament Square (grass), London, Saturday 24th October. 1-6pm.

Promoted by the new Global People Power campaign, the demonstration is being held in solidarity with twenty five events taking place across six continents as part of the Global Week of Action for a World Parliament. The
London demo has evolved to become a call for global unity among progressive anti-austerity, pro-democracy, environmental movements around the world by encouraging its’ supporters to co-create global policy. Demonstrators will also be invited to recognise and celebrate their common humanity in the face of a perfect storm of global problems.

The purpose of the day is highly ambitious; to debate, vote and find consensus on five provisional global policies to tackle global problems – problems such as climate change, mass extinction, war, gender inequity, debt-based economics and the divisive power that multi-national corporations hold over national governments. Decisions will be shared among the twenty five other actions through social media. The process is beginning now on e-democracy platform Loomio (link below).

Barnaby Flynn (Global People Power). “Global unity and international cooperation is needed to tackle global issues and to regulate multinational corporations. By acting together we dismantle threats to each nations’ economic security made by multi-national corporations faced with regulation - thus making anti-austerity political parties safer and more electable among mainstream voters.”

Laura Baker (Global People Power). “Let’s connect and empower progressive anti-austerity, pro-democracy movements around the world such as Podemos, Syriza, and supporters of Corbyn and Sanders through creating global policy together to solve war, poverty and environmental destruction.”

Speakers so far:
• Barnaby Flynn (Global People Power). “How multinational corporations hold nations to ransom.”

• Natalie Bennett (Green Party Leader). “TPP, TTIP and why global governance should be democratised.”
• Marina Prentoulis (Syriza London). “Global unity for systemic solutions to systemic problems.”
• Luke Flegg (Change the Future). “The e-Democracy Revolution.”
• Prisca Merz (End Ecocide). Proposal: End Ecocide.
• Stan Jourdan (Positive Money) Proposal: International Monetary Reform.
• 50-50 Parliament. Proposal: 50-50 Gender Equity Global Declaration
• Global People Power: Proposal: A World Without War
• Global People Power: Proposal: Climate Fair Shares


Why we need global cooperation and how multinational corporations hold nations to ransom: http://globalpeoplepower.weebly.com/why.html

Global People Power: http://globalpeoplepower.weebly.com/

Global Week of Action for a World Parliament: http://www.worldparliamentnow.org/events/

Global People Power’s Loomio group: https://www.loomio.org/g/0KBvTGY9/global-people-power


Dr. Roger Kotila Mon 12 Oct 2015 3:41PM

I'm excited by the growing demand for "we the people" representation and authority at the global level. Global People Power can help as can the UN Parliamentary Assembly campaign. However, without the Earth Constitution as its foundation, the UN Parliamentary Assembly is likely to have the same fate at the IPU (Inter-Planetary Union). The IPU, like the proposed UN Parliamentary Assembly, consists of parliamentarians from nations -- but the UN only gave the IPU "observer status".

In short, without the Earth Constitution, the proposed UN Parliamentary Assembly, the IPU, and the UN General Assembly are stuck with only the right to make recommendations -- while the undemocratic UN Security Council remains in full control of the geopolitical space, a fact that has brought the world incredible grief, and only getting worse.

Under the Earth Constitution' s structure the "UN Parliamentary Assembly" becomes the "House of Peoples," with the advantage of having the authority it will lack if activists rigidly stick to the fatally flawed UN Charter.


Barnaby Flynn Mon 12 Oct 2015 5:04PM

Dear Roger

I agree the UN is, one could say fatally flawed. I will read the Earth Constitution. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

If you could do me the honour of reading the About section of Global People Power and giving your opinion of it then I would be most grateful. http://globalpeoplepower.weebly.com/ ( http://globalpeoplepower.weebly.com/ )

Kindest regards



Dr. Roger Kotila Tue 13 Oct 2015 6:11PM

Dear Barnaby,

I like your website. "Global People Power" is a strong theme, as is "One World Democracy."

You do a good job identifying global problems (crises) such as climate change, war, poverty, etc. You are correct in worrying about the domination of multinational corporations, Big Money, and TPP agreements which will favor corporations and override national environmental and economic laws. TPP will favor the 1% (and screw "we, the people").

Don't forget to list the need to eliminate nuclear weapons.

Also consider the need for enforceable world law so that we have a way of prosecuting individuals for world crimes -- such as secretly overthrowing governments, invasions, assassinations, torture, etc. Under the current UN world system, leaders from powerful nations are above the law -- no matter what world crimes they commit.

Your "15 global rules without global rulers" sounds good, but may not be as effective as we would like...much like the 10 Commandments help but aren't enough. We need enforceable law -- what the UN and its Charter lack, but the Earth Constitution provides.

We don't need world dictators or global rulers, let's use the Earth Constitution as our leader. (Think Magna Carta or US Constitution.)

I'd like to see you invite your participants to participate in the emerging Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution.

(If the UN is unwilling or unable to transform into a democratic world federal union, then activist will already have the Earth Federation Movement up and running citing the Earth Constitution as their moral and legal authority).

I'd like to see what happens on your website if you invite them to cite the Earth Constitution in their activist projects and goals, and invite them to join the Earth Federation Movement.

We must build a global peace system to replace the current geopolitical war system of which, unfortunately, the UN and its Charter are an integral part and therefore must be fixed or replaced.

Many Leftists and anarchists believe that we can make the world work properly without government. They are wrong. But we need the right kind of government, one that frees up local communities and the individual. That's part of what the Earth Constitution can do.

Best regards,
Roger Kotila


Poll Created Fri 11 Dec 2015 4:36AM

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Germà Pelayo Fri 11 Dec 2015 8:52AM

Agree. But I would like to know more. I am in train of exploring the website. I believe in a rich, plural, advanced world (cross-scale) democracy based in subsidiarity


Dr. Roger Kotila Fri 11 Dec 2015 3:51PM

Germa -- You are right about subsidiarity. The Earth Constitution is designed as a democratic world federal union government, hence subsidiarity is built right in:

Problems that can be solved locally or nationally, are handled at that level. Problems (like nuclear weapons, climate change, war, human rights) need to be handled at the global level (by either a "new UN" under the Earth Constitution; or by "we, the people" creating Earth Federation government under the Earth Constitution.

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