Wed 22 Jan 2014 3:19AM

Universal name for the "Message Inbox"

M maliktunga Public Seen by 83

I filed the issue on GitHub : The "Message(s) [and/or] Inbox / conversations" is too loosely denominated

What should be the one name of this messaging page?

"Message Inbox", tells the HTML title.
"conversations", tells the URL.
"Messages", tells the button's link title.
"Inbox", tells the page itself.


maliktunga Thu 23 Jan 2014 11:16PM

Alright then!


goob Thu 30 Jan 2014 9:48PM

OK, pretty much unanimous. Before I make a PR (unless someone else wants to do it), should the labels be changed (e.g. 'message_inbox_badge' to 'conversations_badge') or just the text itself?


maliktunga Thu 30 Jan 2014 9:49PM

@goob Just released the outcome.

Yes, that would be more intuitive especially for future developers.