Fri 22 Mar 2019 3:49AM

Dropbox accounts

DU Deleted User Public Seen by 14

To date there have been some Jeder memebrs who have been signed up for a drop box account on the Jeder organisational account that has been paid for from the admin bucket. Not everyone who had a subscription were aware of this, and many have not been used. Our annual subscription is due in June. I would like to propose that whoever has an account that wants to exit does this by the end of May and that from June any dropbox fees are drawn from the individual's class /buckett. I will send out an email to the people who currently are on the Jeder account. Queries/comments here please and votes in the proposal.


Poll Created Fri 22 Mar 2019 3:53AM

Dropbox accounts Closed Fri 29 Mar 2019 6:01AM

That from June 2019, dropbox account fees be drawn from the individual's class rather than from admin. Please refer to the thread for more detail/discussion.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 0.0% 0  
Abstain 75.0% 3 MK LZ DU
Disagree 25.0% 1 JE
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 20 MD DB LD RE Y MH S R DB DU RP A NH O DU

4 of 24 people have participated (16%)


Aleks Jovanovic
Fri 22 Mar 2019 4:28AM

I’ve been using a personal Dropbox account since joining Jeder. I pay $15 per month subscription. It’s working well for me. Thanks


Jason Emmins
Mon 25 Mar 2019 10:34AM

We have trialled G Suite but not got any feedback as to if this is suitable and working for everyone. Personally, I find drop box easier to use (as I can also use it off line when not in reliable internet range) and G Suite is quite problematic still (when I open documents and then want to make changes/comments it opens/saves a complete new document and there is an issue with the formatting).


Aleks Jovanovic
Mon 25 Mar 2019 11:21AM

Hi Kerry,
I did't know I could claim these fees as a reimbursement. I planned on claiming it via tax as an expense. Best I 'abstain' from voting until some of the other options are explored. Thanks Aleks


Michaela Kennedy
Tue 26 Mar 2019 9:15AM

I really don't mind either way. I find dropbox best for all my files (I need to keep it) and GSuite for shared documents. I agree with Jason regarding formatting but GS is better for sharing and reviewing docs together, as long as there is not much fancy formatting required.


Lisa Zulfiqar
Thu 28 Mar 2019 9:49PM

Happy to go with Dropbox or Gsuite. Did not know before that we could get the drop box for that price. Happy to pay from bucket.


Aleks Jovanovic Fri 22 Mar 2019 4:26AM

Hi Kerry,

Just letting you know that I subscribe (since starting with Jeder) to a personal Dropbox account $15 per month. I was not aware of the Jeder accounts. Happy to keep as is.



Kind RegardsAleks Jovanovic
JEDER INSTITUTEwww.jeder.com.au ( http://www.jeder.com.au/ )[email protected] 033 091


Deleted User Sat 23 Mar 2019 3:08AM

Hi Alex-you can claim these fees as a reimbursement. I am confused though by why you have voted 'no' to the proposal as you are not having your current fees paid for from the admin budget.


Deleted User Mon 25 Mar 2019 5:47PM

Hi Aleks-claiming on tax gives you a very small benefit, but nothing like being reimbursed. There is a section in the Dollars handbook on allowable expenses.Most people do not claim anything, but if you have a healthy class balance , it is a way of drawing $ that is not assessable income.


Aleks Jovanovic Mon 25 Mar 2019 10:31PM

Thanks Kerry. I definately need to get more familiar with the reimbursement / claim processes. Out of curiosity, how much would dropbox membership cost per person per annum? Cheers

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