Wed 11 Dec 2013 8:45PM

We're crowdfunding! What do you want?

AS Alina Siegfried Public Seen by 155

Hi Loomio Community,

I'm Alina, the new Senior Comms Wrangler at Loomio. I'm loving getting to know the community through various discussions. I'd love your input on this one.

Some exciting news - we're going to be launching a massive crowd-funding campaign early next year! It's important for us to head out on this adventure in collaboration with the global Loomio community, so we would love hear your thoughts on how you think it could roll out.

For example, are there specific rewards you would like to see? Are there some platforms you prefer over others?

Please throw us your ideas... Go!


Alina Siegfried Fri 10 Jan 2014 4:38AM

@quentingrimaud Thanks for the suggestions!

We're crowdfunding to help us through the next 6 - 12 months of product development. Because Loomio is a social enterprise and a workers-owned cooperative, accessing venture capital funding can be difficult. So we're reaching out to our global community and at the same time offering the opportunity for input into what product features we prioritize for development, as you've suggested.