Fri 7 Jun 2019 10:25AM


D DaveDarby Public Seen by 163

DaveDarby Fri 7 Jun 2019 10:27AM

Hi all,
I’ve produced a new FAQ, incorporating the responses / thoughts from the first one. I’ve got more questions to add, but first let me know if I’m on the right lines.
Here's the first part - second part linked to from the bottom. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13frPWU4Yb0s42pgDMjfpLtnXrpGmT_5XQcVeqO6Rh4U/edit#
It’s in three parts – the basics, a bit more about the concept, and then deeper into the philosophy. People can go as far as they like.
More obscure questions can be added later, when we’re more sure of what the answers will be.
Let me know what you think.
So I’m now looking at the website through the eyes of a non-techie lay person who’s never heard of mutual credit.
I think this is what the website should look like:
1. We get Geoff’s directory on the website when it’s ready, but make it public (ie not just for members), and add all the EoIs, so that we have 100+ entries. If people want to trade, we can sign them up as members.
2. Then we add the FAQ, from which we can guide people to the directory (and to various parts of the ‘About’ section)
3. We streamline / simplify the About section (I’ve already made some suggestions, but I’ll add to them and put them on Loomio). I think we need to start in ways that really hold people’s hands (whilst inspiring them), and get deeper the further you go in.
4. The top menu will then be: Home, About, FAQ, Directory, Members, Blog, Contact (with ‘Team’ and ‘How it Works’ coming under ‘About’).
I really think this will make things clearer for the general public, rather than geeks like you lot. :)