Sat 22 Apr 2023 6:47AM

General Refurbishment Chat

GZ Gen Zendahl Public Seen by 16

A look at the big picture of the maintenance of the hub, and decision-making on priorities


Marianne Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:51PM

I don't mind whether or not the works go ahead

I'm fine with whatever the majority decides. It sounds like, if the decision is to go ahead, there is definitely a need for further conversation to iron out details before the work can progress.


Matthew Stephens Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:51PM

Yes, I would like the works to go ahead this February

I have no issues with the work going ahead this Feburary and trust those involved know what they are doing .


Lambert Kleinjans Sun 4 Feb 2024 2:36PM

I currently don’t want the works to go ahead. The work proposed is construction work with people working at height and with large timbers on major structural elements of the hub. Before I’m neutral I need the following confirming:

  1. Who is the client for this work under CDM? - this person is responsible for the H&S of the workers and the public I assume it can only be Tir y Gafel ltd as the owner, which means the directors are responsible.

  2. Who is the principal contractor?

  3. Who is the principal designer?

  4. Where can I find a copy of the construction phase plan?

  5. Have the RAMS (risk assessments and method statements) been completed?

Once I’m comfortable on these answers then I can move to neutral and still have the following comment:

From the meeting I understand that Ayres was pledging his own money and therefore it was his choice what he wanted to invest in. From this poll it appears it’s funds from previous events at the hub. The funds were still held by Ayres and belong to the hub. If they belong to the hub they belong to all plotholders/ shareholders. In which case we’d all have a say on what to do with the money and I’d like a review of other hub priorities before progressing.

Could it please be clarified whether they’re Ayres’ personal funds or hub funds being used for these works?


Lambert Kleinjans Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:51PM

No, I don't want the works to go ahead this February

I currently don’t want the works to go ahead. The work proposed is construction work with people working at height and with large timbers on major structural elements of the hub. Before I’m neutral I need the following confirming:

See comment below as I can only have 500 characters


Gen Zendahl Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:51PM

I don't mind whether or not the works go ahead

I'm in favour if:

  • someone who understands the structural engineering of the building check on the proposed plan

  • the new design is going to last, and not fail in a similar manner ( the last repair looks to have the same weakness)

Request that thought is given to whether the budget can be stretched to plumbing refurb for the kitchen.


Poll Created Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:50PM

Do you want the proposed works on the timber posts at the Hub to go ahead in the next couple of weeks Closed Thu 8 Feb 2024 8:00PM

What is this poll about?

At the last shareholders meeting (Monday 29th January) Ayres proposed that works were undertaken on three external timber posts in the covered area in front of the post room. These posts are rotting.

Ayres has some money collected from bar money collected at Ayres and Heather's wedding party that he wants to put towards Hub maintenance/repair etc. He will use this money for the post repairs.

Why is this important?

I'm pretty sure (?) that Ayres said that if anyone told him not to go ahead with the works, he wouldn't. I'd like to find out if the majority of shareholders are happy or otherwise for these works to go ahead.

What are you asking people to do?

I'd like people to vote as to whether or not they are in favour of the works going ahead in February this year - or whether they are neutral on this issue.

Choose the option(s) you favor.


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes, I would like the works to go ahead this February 63.6% 7 KT M T A HT F MS
I don't mind whether or not the works go ahead 27.3% 3 GZ L M
No, I don't want the works to go ahead this February 9.1% 1 LK
Undecided 0% 3 K H IT

11 of 14 people have participated (78%)


Fae Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:15PM

Yes I agree to hub works in Feb. Cant use the vote system as it woukdnt let me

Didn't know this discussion was here for months! Gonna try and set up loomio notifications.


Poll Created Sat 3 Feb 2024 1:03PM

Do you want the proposed works on the timber posts at the Hub to go ahead in the next couple of weeks Closed Thu 8 Feb 2024 8:00PM

What is this poll about?

At the last shareholders meeting (Monday 29th January) Ayres proposed that works were undertaken on three external timber posts in the covered area in front of the post room. These posts are rotting.

Ayres has some money collected from bar money collected at Ayres and Heather's wedding party that he wants to put towards Hub maintenance/repair etc. He will use this money for the post repairs.

He has already contacted Charlie, Richard and Roger and organised for the works to go ahead starting the 12th February.

Why is this important?

I'm pretty sure (?) that Ayres said that if anyone told him not to go ahead with the works, he wouldn't. I'd like to find out if the majority of shareholders are happy or otherwise for these works to go ahead.

What are you asking people to do?

I'd like people to vote as to whether or not they are in favour of the works going ahead in February this year - or whether they are neutral on this issue.

Choose the option(s) you favor.


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes, I would like the works to go ahead this February 0% 0  
No, I don't want the works to go ahead this February 0% 0  
I don't mind whether or not the works go ahead 0% 0  
Undecided 0% 14  

0 of 14 people have participated (0%)


Lambert Kleinjans Wed 3 Jan 2024 11:22AM

@Jessica Lo Bianco there is a hub fund and any expenses can be covered from that. Just keep a record on a spreadsheet and receipts or scans of receipts.


Jessica Lo Bianco Tue 2 Jan 2024 10:30PM

Equipment was bought to be permanently stationed in the hub kitchen and toilet, such as sponges and mops. Full details (receipts and inventory) to come...

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