Sat 8 Jun 2019 12:59AM

e-NABLE Half-Bakery

JS Jon Schull Public Seen by 70

This is an experimental system to help e-NABLE users bubble up the best ideas, practices, etc.

We might use it for such questions as
* What should the e-NABLEfund fund?
* What new feature do we most want Wikifactory to prioritize.

Users should be able to add options and reallocate their votes as options become available. (Hopefully, moderators can help participants rewrite, merge, and improve options.)


Poll Created Sat 8 Jun 2019 1:10AM

The e-NABLE Fund Half-Bakery (for half-baked funding ideas. What kinds of products should we fund). Closed Mon 1 Jul 2019 1:01AM

These are not votes on proposals.

These are votes to ENCOURAGE people to CREATE proposals.
Here are a few to start with. You can add your own ideas.

You have 4 dots to spend. Invest them in ideas you like.


Results Option % of points Points Mean Voters
An e-NABLE Media Manager and/or Grant Writer to help us organize approximately thousands of blog posts, facebook posts, and media reports, to estimate impacts, identify opportunities, disseminate best practices and guide further grants from, and proposals to, the EnableFund proposals. 25.0% 5 1.3 4
A data analyst or librarian who could help us conduct followup interviews, organize the data, extract best practices, and disseminate them. 20.0% 4 1.0 4
Send someone on a six week internship to Rwanda 15.0% 3 0.8 4
A simple and reliable system for capturing arm scans in the field. 15.0% 3 0.8 4
Further development and new features for e-NABLE Web Central 10.0% 2 1.0 2
A portable and robust 3D-printer that could be taken into the field. In a suitcase, perhaps. 5.0% 1 0.3 4
Mass-production of an inexpensive terminal devices or sockets (from e-NABLE designs perhaps?) that would be way cheaper than existing solutions but still substantially better than nothing" 5.0% 1 0.3 4
A regional e-NABLE conference outside of North America. 5.0% 1 0.3 4
A webmaster/coder with html/css/javascript/python/wordpress expertise to help us with all our sites 0.0% 0 0 0
Undecided 0% 0 0 137

4 of 141 people have participated (2%)


Jon Schull Sat 8 Jun 2019 1:14AM

2 - A data analyst or librarian who could help us conduct followup interviews, organize the data, extract best practices, and disseminate them.
1 - A simple and reliable system for capturing arm scans in the field.
1 - A portable and robust 3D-printer that could be taken into the field. In a suitcase, perhaps.
1 - Send someone on a six week internship to Rwanda
1 - A regional e-NABLE conference outside of North America.
1 - An e-NABLE Media Manager and/or Grant Writer to help us organize approximately thousands of blog posts, facebook posts, and media reports, to estimate impacts, identify opportunities, disseminate best practices and guide further grants from, and proposals to, the EnableFund proposals.
1 - Mass-production of an inexpensive terminal devices or sockets (from e-NABLE designs perhaps?) that would be way cheaper than existing solutions but still substantially better than nothing"

A web developer/ programmer to improve cohesiveness of all our websites, utilities, networks, etc.