
Stop GEOENGINEERING over NZ (chemtrails).

BK Bruce Kirk Public Seen by 79

The media will not speak about it, there are hundreds of pics from all over NZ, (and worldwide), other Govt's have admitted it, the UN council has videos urging for it to be stopped yet our Gov't refuses to admit it is happening here. Especially in the summer months!
Here's an example of how we are treated... anyone remember the American star wars project (TV3 news I think 1993-94)? Well another project talked about around that same time also on TV3 news was H.A.A.R.P. (in Alaska) and how it was nearly completed & how it had the ability to change weather patterns around the world. -*Try asking a Gov't official or the news media about HAARP now & you will get laughed at, ridiculed & told there is no such thing! Yet it is 100% legit! incl. many patients. Tell the sheeple what's happening around us & in our skies and stop geoengineering above NZ! This is the Americans way of trying to convince us that we are causing these huge extremes in our weather


Robert Frittmann
Thu 17 Jul 2014 11:09PM

I don't have enough information to form an opinion either way on this yet.


Jo Booth
Fri 18 Jul 2014 1:50AM

Insufficient comprehensible information to decide on this


Matt Weir
Sun 27 Jul 2014 4:08AM

I agree That "chem-trails" is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.


Tue 29 Jul 2014 11:58PM

See discussion post


Robert Frittmann Thu 17 Jul 2014 11:07PM

Here's a conspiracy theory for you. I've long suspected that the Nats have trolls in the Internet Party's policy incubator. Now it seems that Colin Craig's Conservative Party is doing the same. 😲😱

But in all seriousness, I'm not willing to bag conspiracy theorists any more. Let's face it, the Internet Party is founded on the conspiracy theory that Kim Dotcom was spied on illegally by our Government.

I'm sure that those pre-Snowden conspiracy theorists who were considered "cranks" for believing that their Government was secretly spying on them are feeling vindicated now.


Marc Whinery Thu 17 Jul 2014 11:14PM

@colindavies "I can't agree with this as condensation trails are a subset of chemical trails, and only yesterday I saw a condensation trail."

Chem-trails are a subset of contrails, not the other way around. The first contrails were recorded decades before chem-trails were asserted to exist (the first contrails recorded in the 30s, proof in photos in the 1940s). And even the conspiracy theorists agree not all contrails are chem-trails.

The only way contrails are a subset of chem-trails is if you consider the dangers of DHMO and their effect on the world. http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html

Stop chem-trails and contrails, ban DHMO!


Colin Davies Thu 17 Jul 2014 11:45PM

Well I'm quite sure that DiHydrousMonoXide is dangerous and is the principle active chemical in any chemtrails, or contrails.
This forum isn't really appropriate for any DHMO safety debate, as a global forum would really be needed.
I think a better prop would be that "Chemtrails will not be considered for policy by the IMP." the rational being that Colin Craig and the Conservatives have got this covered.


Marc Whinery Thu 17 Jul 2014 11:57PM

@colindavies If Colin Craig has the Con-trail covered, is that because he should be a con-vict?


Colin Davies Fri 18 Jul 2014 12:31AM

Yes, I guess chem trails are one of his convictions.
After a bit of thought I wonder if we should be discussing this as we will be alienating a fair few voters especially the grey ones


Marc Whinery Fri 18 Jul 2014 12:48AM

@colindavies more important is the discussion of whether it's "grey" or "gray". These are the important issues we should be discussing.

And we all know they are green. like reptiles. And scaly, like reptiles, but they most definitely aren't reptiles.

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