
Map for Caravans

SG Sally G Public Seen by 11

I started this map on a Web site I found: here is the “about us” description: Click2Map is a new Rich Internet Application (RIA) developed by Click2Map SARL, a [F]rench Web company. It is easy to use, I set up a free account; so far, I have not figured out if there is a way to work on or see the map without user name/password; when it is ready for prime time, I THINK we can embed it (if that is the right term) in our Web site. It seems that click2map may also have smart phone apps.


Julia Clark Sat 24 May 2014 6:46AM

Until content arrives use a sub-domain for the interactive map.


Jackie Wed 28 May 2014 5:13PM

I don't really understand what a sub-domain is, and have seen you use the term a few times - can you educate me?


Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 4:43AM

My domain is juliaclark.org ( well one of them )

Natgat.juliaclark.org is a sub-domain of juliaclark.org

I have it redirected unmasked (meaning where it goes is shown when it gets there) to natgat2014.net at the moment


Jackie Sat 31 May 2014 4:58AM

ah! so anyone going to Natgat.juliaclark.org gets directed to the hub on IO.


Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 5:00AM

yes, I could create a webpage there, but I did not take the time. I had erased the one I made before