
The Environment Policy - Topics that need covering

RK Rangi Kemara Public Seen by 48

Topics that need covering in this sub-group are mineral and gas extraction, forest and bird protection, water and waterways, fish stock, whaling, climate change, carbon emissions and more.

There already are several discussion floating around on this issue, I am not sure if there is a way discussion starters can move their discussions under a subgroup, but if there is, lets put them all under one group to make them easier to find and prevent duplication.

One other thought it, this is the Internet Party, not the Green Party, so no doubt people are going to have a different set of values to the more ardent greenies, but the Internet Party's stance on the environment will go a long way to establishing what sort of relationship it could have with the Greens in supporting some if not all of their policies.


Rangi Kemara Sat 7 Jun 2014 9:21PM


This is the current document covering renewable energy ( mostly ).


Kenneth Kopelson Sun 8 Jun 2014 1:17AM

Isn't there already an Environment Policy in the main policy forum? I do believe a lot of discussion was done there. I'm under the impression that this format (loomio) is for starting new policy areas that have not been addressed in the main forum.


Rangi Kemara Sun 8 Jun 2014 8:41AM

See the link ^
It covers renewable energy so far. Its about 20% of a fully fledged environmental policy should be.


Natasja Tue 2 Sep 2014 12:54PM

There doesn't seem to be much in regards to the relationship between the environment and humans, particularly wellbeing, health, food...