Fri 2 Nov 2018 1:28PM

Welcome! We share the stories of what this is, and why we are here.

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Our Vision -or- The BIG Story:

We believe Mutual Credit can grow to be a major element of an economic system to help support a modern, steady-state civilisation.

At a deep level, what motivates us are stories. to collaborate effectively, it helps if we understand each other's stories, and know that all subscribe to a shared Vision.

We're interested in the story that animates your engagement with this group - almost more than we want to know about your skillset and history.

What’s your role or approach to participation in this group?
What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?
Post a comment below.


DaveDarby Sun 9 Dec 2018 8:44PM

https://www.lowimpact.org/ https://www.noncorporate.org/. I grew up on a council estate in Dudley, left school at 16, worked in factories for years. Self-taught, left Dudley, travelled overland for years, lived in communes. Started Lowimpact at 40, didn't really start networking until 50. Now 57. Hoping I'm going to miss the crash, and hoping I can contribute to pushing it back so that my nieces and nephew miss it too (not optimistic about that). Changing money system to something that can't concentrate wealth and power is essential, as far as I can see. Interested in translating for early adopters and early mainstream.


dilgreen Mon 10 Dec 2018 9:23AM

I am here because changing the money system seems the most systemically effective work that I can do to bring about change in the direction of better.

I am an architect, a designer, a pattern language / complexity / systems thinker, a social anarchist, a pragmatic utopian.

Skills/experience: design thinking, systemic analysis, good communicator, graphic communications, experienced with LETS, reasonably tech savvy, increasingly economic thinker.


Oli SB Mon 10 Dec 2018 12:13PM

Hi All, you can find out me and my background and intentions here, and on the rest of the OPEN site https://open.coop/mutual-credit/


Matthew Slater Fri 14 Dec 2018 10:44AM

I'm an expert on monetary theory with wide knowledge of nonprofit systems and software.


Thomas H Greco Jr Fri 14 Dec 2018 3:54PM

I am an expert in monetary theory and history, a former professor of business. I've been writing, lecturing and conducting workshops in alternative methods of exchange and finance for more than 30 years.
You can get more details about my background at my main website, https://beyondmoney.net/
I am passionate about social justice, economic equity, personal freedom, democratic government, and ecological sanity.
I see the design and deployment of decentralized exchange mechanisms as crucial to achieving any success toward those objectives.


Gary Alexander Fri 14 Dec 2018 4:55PM

I have been passionate about people and planet for most of my life. I have written about, dreamt about and worked towards sustainable communities since the 1970s. I worked for the UK Open University for 37 years, helped invent online learning, helped create Summer Schools, Dance Camps, Fairs, was a Trustee of the Transition Network, was a founder member of the Open Coop, and I am a musician and dance Argentine tango.
See my earthconnected.net website where you can download a free eBook version of my book eGaia, Growing a peaceful, sustainable Earth through communication , many other papers, videos, talks and more.