Thu 10 Dec 2020 12:53AM

Amendment to Local Conventon Rules

KH Kurtis H Public Seen by 12

See voting details below

Item removed


Kurtis H
Thu 10 Dec 2020 12:54AM

After several conversations with comrades, it's come to my attention that: 1) we do not have accurate records of members in good standing as of Nov 13th (though we do for Nov 17th) and 2) many of the comrades involved in organizing in PG County in particular are very new members. Coupled with the influx of members following the DSA100K effort, it seems unwise to disenfranchise these newer members.


Gabriel R (At-Large)
Thu 10 Dec 2020 12:54AM

Ryan is correct in that this is out of order due to our bylaws


Peter Gowan
Thu 10 Dec 2020 12:54AM

I think we should treat the bylaws as a living document, the obvious purpose of the 30 day rule is to prevent bad actors signing up a bunch of people last minute specifically to vote at convention, not to disenfranchise a sizeable proportion of the members of a legitimate new branch that we will hopefully be approving at this convention. Since we also have no way to enforce the rule on paper equitably, it makes sense to make an exception.


Ryan Mosgrove Thu 10 Dec 2020 1:32AM

This motion is out of order. This isn't something in the convention rules, its in our bylaws that you have to be a member as of 30 days ahead of convention. This isn't something we have to power to amend


Kurtis H Thu 10 Dec 2020 1:38AM

Motion was deemed out of order per our bylaws and has been removed.