Sun 27 Jan 2019 10:47PM

How do you feel about using Loomio for XR?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 72

Have a play with it. I'm inviting you to try it because Loomio was built out of the frustration of some very active members of Occupy struggling to communicate effectively. It's open source software created by a nonprofit workers' co-operative called Enspiral, passionate about social change and self-organising.

With GLOBAL as the umbrella group, groups for every location XR is active in, and sub groups for XR working groups we can be connected (support + learn from each other) but also separate (not flooding each other in messages we don't have capacity for)

Conversation is structured (inside threads) helpful for discussing more than one thing at a time if necessary

and proposals can be made for things like *key facts / messages / actions / branding - as a way to check for insights, ideas, opinions and ultimately, alignment. *
I thought it could help us effectively harness the collective intelligence of our group + quickly and efficiently make insightful decisions that are actually in the name of us all (as much as possible in a self-organising movement)

Where is this already used?
Loomio is used in thousands of co-operatives, activist groups, movements and nonprofits already. I use it most for Borderland - a burning man festival in Denmark. We use Loomio to gather advise on proposals every week from the community of 500+ people and it can work at any scale very effectively.


Jade Northrup
Wed 29 Jan 2020 7:46AM

I think trying these proposal tools is POINTLESS. Oh wait, I just voted. CRAP.


Jade Northrup
Wed 29 Jan 2020 7:47AM

OK nevermind, I just changed my vote. Deliberation happens.


Luke Flegg
Wed 29 Jan 2020 5:02PM

XR is in itself, an experiment. To not have any cutlure of experimentation within XR would be to undermine our own vision. If we work with power, information, structures and decision making in the same ways we always have, we'll simply reproduce the problems XR was set up to solve.
Loomio is the only tool out there designed to help orgs like XR with this challenge. I want to try it for a period of time we agree together with those who already feel invested in 94 random messaging tools


Tony Franks
Thu 30 Jan 2020 11:16AM

I'm concerned that using the "Block" vote, instead of the "Disagree" bunkers the whole discussion...


Sue Hagley
Thu 30 Jan 2020 12:49PM

I'm a lurker here and am not sure. I think we seem to have almost too many options for communicating and this seems confusing and alienating (too many things to check). Signal, Mattermost, Telegram, WhatsApp and others I believe........


Cora Roelofs
Thu 30 Jan 2020 1:54PM

But the fact that I just voted is a little problematic. Because who am I? I'm not an XR activist, I'm not in the UK. So why do I get a vote? My view is that before you even discuss voting, you have a detailed proposal. You have a round of clarifying questions...etc. And this comment box is limited in words so I'll just point you to a document about collaborative decision making that I wrote: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O4DeDoTisgu7sx8--D-tl_jAXERJCaKqTzwdF61etLg/edit?usp=sharing


Ian Hugh Mana
Sun 2 Feb 2020 1:00PM

Disagree. Mainly > this platform is entirely Public , this is out of line with Principle 4 "We will practice a security culture to the extent that it enables actions to be planned without being intercepted before they are completed." Also > XRUK needs a discussion forum solution to be scalable to 3.5% ofUK population ~2,000,000 ish, Loomio = 1000users / pro account . Discourse has polling options. Loomio has no chat or File storage options.


Peter Duxbury
Sun 2 Feb 2020 2:02PM

Yes, I'm used to using Loomio. Proposals need to more meaningful in helping XR achieve its aims rather just playing with tools 😉


Sun 2 Feb 2020 2:26PM

Loomio looks like it could be a useful tool - although the main stumbling block is getting critical (and representative) mass on here. I think, @Luke Flegg, you said you had some links to the main XR strategy team? Or was that somebody else?


Paul Sousek Tue 28 Jan 2020 1:01PM

@Luke Flegg I don't see 'Extinction Rebellion GLOBAL', it does not show up in search. How can I look at it? Thanks

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