
Comité de prise de contact pour la première rencontre amorcé par Ben et Alyssa

PB Patrick Bodnar Public Seen by 337

J'ai créé ceci pour que Ben et Alyssa puissent nous tenir au courant des démarches et résultats de leurs travaux qui sont très importants


Alyssa Lapointe Mon 29 Aug 2016 8:42PM

Bonjour, j'ai jasé avec Ben aujourd'hui et il m'a informé qu'il avait déjà visité la coop suite à une demande (exactement comme on veut le faire). Il m'a donné quelques informations pertinentes à savoir, tel que la visite des lieux dure environs 45 minutes et qu'ils étaient un groupe de 7. Ils n'ont pas fait de bénévolat et n'ont pas eu de visites en sous-groupes, comme nous désirerions le faire.

Ben va m'introduire à ses contacts via email et je pourrai lancer la conversation avec eux par après. Ensuite, Ben va se retirer de notre groupe vu qu'il part sa coop de son côté, mais sera heureux de nous répondre si jamais on veut lui poser des questions.

Je voudrais donc confirmer avec vous notre "wish list" de format de visite. De ce que je comprends, on aimerait:

1- une visite générale des lieux
2- une chance pour chacun (?) d'entre nous de faire du bénévolat au cours du weekend du 8-9 octobre (idéalement dans différents départements)
3- une personne-ressource dans ces départements qui sera disponible pour répondre à nos questions.

Je peux aussi leur demander des documents au préalable. Il y de l'info existante sur leur site aussi: https://www.foodcoop.com/by-laws

On voudrait quoi de plus?


Patrick Bodnar Mon 29 Aug 2016 11:35PM

Je crois qu'on devrait tenter de nous diviser en équipe de forces.

On sait que
- @pascalecarrere serait possiblement intéresssée par les relations de travail
- @mariemichelelapoin serait possiblement intéresssée par les fonctionnements démocratiques de la coop
- @catherinerose serait possiblement intéresssée par l'approvisionnement

Entre autres...

Quelqu'un peut confirmer? Ajouter?


Alyssa Lapointe Thu 29 Sep 2016 3:04PM

J'ai envoyé un email ce matin à Joe de Park Slope afin de définir l'horaire et déroulement de notre visite prochaine. Je partagerai sa réponse dès réception.
Voici le email:

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the fantastic news about the accommodation! We will be in touch later on to give you the names and ETA of the people who will need it. Do you know if the place is near the coop?

I’m also writing because we are in the last week before departure and would like to know how far along you are in prepping the schedule for our visit. I’m asking because to maximize our trip, we will schedule visits to other food initiatives in the vicinity. More specifically, would it be possible to know between Sat PM and Sunday at what time we should come to Park Slope and also who our group is meeting? As previously mentioned, our ideal scenario was to separate our large group into sub-groups who could spend some hands-on time in various departments to gather as much info as possible.

Do you think this would be the best way to get the most out of our time with you? If not, what would you suggest? And finally, how long should we plan for the entire "Park Slope Experience”? :-)

Many thanks for all your help!
Kind regards,


Alyssa Lapointe Mon 3 Oct 2016 12:57AM

Bonnes nouvelles de Joe! Et du travail pour nous: besoin du nombre final de personnes ayant besoin d'hébergement @patrickbodnar and which accommodations are closest to the coop/most convenient/luxurious ;-) amongst those you found, @ben45. Joe a besoin d'answers! Je speak bilingue, sorry je m'excuse.

Voici l'échange de courriels avec Joe, commencez par lire le sien en bas du mien, of course:

Hi Joe,

You are AWESOME. Thank you for organizing all this. I will forward your email to everyone. I will get answers to your accommodation questions shortly, just as soon as we get the final head count of participants.

Speaking of participants, I wanted to share one small detail: unfortunately, due to family obligations, I won’t be part of the trip this time. However, Ben, who’s been cc’d in this email thread form the start, will be there. I will continue to be the person of contact nonetheless until everyone is meeting in person in Brooklyn. So please send whatever information my way.

Once again, many many thanks! We are so grateful for your generosity and cannot wait to lean from all of you.


On Oct 2, 2016, at 8:25 PM, Joe Holtz [email protected] wrote:

Hi Alyssa,
1) Accommodations: We are up to 6. Three can stay in the neighborhood at the home of a staff member. Two can stay a few subway stops (2+ miles away) at the home of a longtime member who is from Montreal and who shares a building with a staff member. The 6th can stay at the home of a very involved member in a neighborhood (2+ miles away) that is served primarily by a bus. A moderate paced walk would take about 45 minutes. The bus or bus/subway/walk combo might not be much faster.

2) a staff member wants to know if she vacates her apartment for the weekend and some of you stay there, could you reciprocate in a sort of trade . I think she wants to visit Montreal at some point.

3) I was hoping to send you perhaps some things to read that are not on our website but the time I allotted this weekend got taken up by other stuff. I might still get to it.

4) plans for your visit. I will be back in this neighborhood at around 3Pm Saturday. I will come to the coop and start spending time with you. I plan to eat dinner with all of you if that is ok with you and then stay with you all evening. I assume you will be arriving before 3PM. If you could tell me when you think you will arrive then I will arrange for who will welcome you. Sunday, members start arriving before 6AM and there is stuff happening until midnight. I will definitely see you a bunch on Sunday. Monday morning is important because it is the only day that you will see the receiving operation which is important. One theme that will be important is the role of staff and of members. I will give you a history of how those roles have changed over the years but the changes have not undermined the member centric decentralized culture that is so vital to the success of this model.

5) On Saturday after some initial time here we should try to plan out whatever we do not plan out over email this week.

6) I will also be reviewing those questions you sent me awhile back and perhaps I will write up some of the answers and send them this week

best regards,


Alyssa Lapointe Tue 4 Oct 2016 1:47PM

Considérant que nous avons trop hâte d'aller à Brooklyn et que les conducteurs voudraient partir vendredi, nous aurions ainsi besoin d'une nuitée de plus chez nos charmants hôtes Brooklyniens...j'ai donc demandé à Joe si cela poserait problème. J'attends sa réponse. @ben45 can you enquire with the Greenhill network as well? I figure we'll pick the closest places to Park Slope. Joe's got three in the same place near the coop at a staff member's, Catherine's got 2; so we'd technically need 3 more spots, right @patrickbodnar ? Il y a 8 personnes au total c'est ça?


Ben Tue 4 Oct 2016 2:05PM

My update: if we are comfortable squeezing, we could fit more people into the apartment that has enough space for 6. But, we will want to bring a few air matresses most likely. So, maybe we could fit up to 8. But, I dont know how tight it will be.

For this, we need to arrive notnin the middle of the night on Friday, or we need to arrive on satueday morning.

But we should make the decision quickly.

I didnt ask about the other spaces yet because I thought we might all fit in this space.

So, when will we arrive? Friday night, not too late, maybe 11 or 1130 at the latest. Or saturday morning? And do we squeeze everyone, o should I confirm another apartment as well. And if yes, for how many people?

Ps. I would like to drive up with the fridaynpeople, if thats an option and there is atill room.