Tue 19 Oct 2021 12:51AM

Covid 19 Vaccinations- Public Health Order/Directions

JE Jason Emmins Public Seen by 40

The NSW and Victorian Chief Health Officers have released Public Health Orders/Directions regarding vaccination status of staff/employees/members- see attached. I have not been able to locate any directives/orders for QLD at this stage (but I am going to presume there may be a similar type of order given.

As an organisation providing NDIS Services (specifically mentioned in the Public Health Orders/Directions) and other services we need to ensure our compliance with them. Of course if you are not able to receive a vaccination, you can request an exemption/contraindication certificate from your medical practitioner.

I understand this can cause some level of anxiety/worry (as individuals and as a whole/collective) but we need to ensure we are not breaching any of the orders and are compliant (as with other compliance requirements). I understand some members have some concerns/reservations and would like to invite people into a conversation regarding these concerns/reservations. Unfortunately (possibly like many organisations/agencies), we are in a difficult position where we have to meet compliance but there are concerns/reservations.

I will set a couple of dates/times and host an open discussion- please keep your eye out for an invite/notice.

In the mean time, please keep asking questions and seeking clarity.


Michaela Kennedy Sun 31 Oct 2021 10:38AM

In the mandated areas I think it is wise to work remote for those that have not had the jab. Hopefully we will have more advice soon.


Dee Brooks Thu 23 Dec 2021 7:45AM

Hi All,

Please find attached the Jeder COVID Vaccination Mandate Win Win Strategy v2, based on legal advice and updated information!

Further questions we are exploring:

1.    What don’t we know or a little unsure of (the gaps)?

2.    How do we get a harmonious balance (Win/Win)?

3.    What other questions do you have?

4.    How do we meet our obligations under the new NDIS practice standards to ensure the health, well-being and safety of the participants we support?

5.    What is our legal position in regards to employed members sharing information that is in contradiction to mandates or directives?

Please let us know if you have any further concerns, queries or questions!


Kaeleen Hunter Wed 29 Dec 2021 12:26PM

this really took some finding....................I feel this deserves a wider lens


Dee Brooks Wed 29 Dec 2021 1:40PM

Hhmm, you're right! I'll create a new thread! Thanks!


Michelle Dunscombe Thu 21 Oct 2021 9:47AM

This information from WorkSafe Victoria might be useful https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/information-workers-required-be-vaccinated

I am mindful the strategy does not mention the strategy or action for collection & storage of Vaccine Certificates of members. My understanding is that organisations have the responsibility for ensuring that mandates are followed or risk large fines.


Jason Emmins Thu 21 Oct 2021 11:12AM

Thanks Michelle- this is quite handy.

We do need to discuss how we are going to collect and store the vaccine certificates. We have existing HR files at present and I would be proposing, when the time is right to store them here. They do not need to publicly available documents (as with HR files) and its a column added to one of our HR Register like our Criminal History Checks, WWCC etc.


Michaela Kennedy Mon 25 Oct 2021 12:24AM

Thanks Michelle - can you please see if there is anything similar for the other states


Jason Emmins Tue 26 Oct 2021 10:09PM

Here is some info from Safe Work NSW- Vaccination requirements for workers | NSW Government


Poll Created Thu 28 Oct 2021 6:53AM

Resources to help you host a conversation about the Covid Vaccine Closed Fri 5 Nov 2021 6:02AM

The Covid Vaccine Mandate has been released in various states/territories over the last few weeks. This has generated a lot of discussion, uncertainty and confusion.

Throughout the Loomio Post we have shared some resources and information that is publicly available and from credible sources.

The Bored has been meeting and discussing the Mandate regularly and have developed a Response Strategy (which has been shared with everyone). We acknowledge that some of the people we support and/or their families may still be asking you for information/advice and it may be difficult for you to host this conversation. Whilst we don't want to give advice (as this can also be biased with our own view/s), we are happy to share credible information we have found.

Would you find it useful to have a guide/resource kit for these discussions?


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes, it would be helpful to have a resource kit. 65.0% 13 MK DB LZ MH AB DU DU DU DR KH DU DD DU
No, I am confident I can host these discussions and give balanced information 35.0% 7 MD JE DU BM DU VT JAC

20 of 55 people have participated (36%)


Michelle Dunscombe Thu 28 Oct 2021 6:53AM

No, I am confident I can host these discussions and give balanced information

I would be concerned giving any other information than that offered by the respective health departments as we could be held liable if people misinterpret other sources of information.

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